Page 12 - souvenir book [A V M H S S]
P. 12

From the Co-Secretary’s Desk

             MRS. V. ALIYA ANDREWS M.SC., B.Ed.,

             Annai Velankanni Matric. Hr. Sec. School has been imparting quality and value-based

      education to the people in and around Sowripalayam at an affordable fee for the past 25 years.

      While it is celebrating the silver jubilee of its foundation, I feel that, it is a fitting occasion for us

      to recall and be thankful with gratitude for God’s innumerable blessings that the school has

      received all through these past 25 years. It is the right moment for paying tribute to the selfless,

      enthusiastic and generous service rendered by our Correspondent, Principal, Secretary, Coordinator,

      Teachers, Non-teaching Staff and Parents for the growth of this institution.

             At AVMHSS, we strive to give every student the opportunity to express themselves through

      a carefully planned curriculum. Each child has his unique quality and as an educator, it is our

      responsibility to nurture and develop every learner in their formative years. Our dedicated teachers

      are equipped with reservoirs of love and warmth to help nurture the young minds to think out of

      the box. We help children to develop their innate curiosity about the world around them. Today

      the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to empower its students to

      be lifelong learners. We try to provide the best possible environment for healthy development of

      young children by providing a carefully planned and structured environment in which the child

      grows and learns naturally. Children are involved in in-depth thinking, lateral thinking and hands-

      on experience to retain knowledge which helps them in their growing years. Children are motivated

      to move from known to unknown, concrete to abstract and local to global. The holistic and joyful

      learning that happens here brings the children back to their roots even after they have moved to

      other sections. I also take this opportunity to thank our parents for having bestowed their faith

      and confidence in us. Your faith in us is our driving force.

             It  was very rightly  said that  “Education  is a  shared commitment  between dedicated

      teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations”.
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