Page 19 - The Pocket Guide to Equine Knots
P. 19
and neat, and the reins stay in place quite well even when leading the horse through brushy
Tying reins to horn with lanyard hitch (two half hitches), step 1.
Lanyard hitch, step 2.
Reins secured with two half hitches.
Latigo Knot
Another common use of two facing half hitches on saddles is what we often call a “latigo
knot.” Originally, the knot was the universal way of tightening the cinch (girth) on a western
saddle. This need has been largely replaced today by cinches with tongues to buckle, but
it’s still in use, particularly on packsaddles. It’s a good one for tightening cinches, because
you simply pull up on the latigo where it protrudes through the cinch ring, pull the slack into