Page 63 - The Pocket Guide to Equine Knots
P. 63
commercial metal attachments, which eliminate the need for knots, and they work well. But
they aren’t really necessary. Your highline rope will be lighter and easier to pack if you
instead rely on a knot called the picket line loop. Yes, you could simply grab a loop of rope
and tie an overhand knot with the doubled rope and create a loop, but I wouldn’t
recommend it. When pressure is put on such a knot by tightening the highline and by the
activities of restless horses, you’ll have a very difficult time getting the knot untied.
Picket line loop, step 1.
Picket line loop, step 2.
Picket line loop, step 3.
I do know folks who use an overhand knot as described, inserting a small stick within it.
To untie they remove the stick and the knot comes loose. But the picket line loop is a better
choice; it’s easy to tie and usually not that difficult to untie after pressure. Turn the rope
over to make a loop as shown (step 1). Then bring the right-hand portion down so it goes
across in front and below the top of the loop (step 2).
Then bring the bottom of the loop up through the opening between the right-hand portion