Page 3 - Unum 2024 FW presentation
P. 3

2023 Review  unum

                                  jun                                jul                               jul
                                   14                                1 1                                28

          Website promotion                 Website promotion                  Intern Presentation

          Saving for College:               Mid-Year Review of Finances:       Saving and Budgeting:
          Understanding the cost of a       The halfway point in the calen-    Getting to Know the Basics:
          college education and allowing    dar year is a great time to sit    The essentials to better under-
          adequate time to save are key     down and track progress as it      standing your financials.
          to reaching your goals.           relates to goals and refine a
                                                                               Attendees 83
                                            plan for the second half of the
          Page views 16

                                            Page views 33

                                   aug                               sep                               sep
                                    14                                12                                27

           Website Redesign                  One-on-One Consultations          Pre and Post Retirement
           A re-design of the Unum Group     Portland                       6
           Financial Wellness website.                                         Identifying:
                                             Chattanooga                1
                                                                               Retirement income sources
           Page views 97                     Columbia                      3   Income needed in retirement
                                             Worcester                     0   Protection
                                                                               Making retirement income last
                                                                               Healthcare in retirement
                                                                               Tax savings strategies
                                                                               Attendees: 98
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