Page 6 - Unum 2024 FW presentation
P. 6

2024 Calendar  unum

                                 jul                                aug                                  sep
                                  18                                                                      17

         Intern presentation                Website promotion                    Seminar
                                            Getting married:
         This complimentary session         The money conversation
         will cover the essentials of       Before you get married, openly
         budgeting, managing debt and       discussing finances can help
         credit, investing and saving,      you start off with a strong

         and provide actionable tips that   foundation. Use our checklist to
         can help you develop good          help guide your conversation.
         financial habits for the future.

                                   sep                               oct                                nov
                                    26                                10                                 5

           One-on-One Consultations          Seminar                            One-on-One Consultations
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8