Page 3 - Pakej Pelancongan Negeri Perak
P. 3

Perak                                                                      Book now, travel later!

           Coined as the Land of Grace, Perak Darul Ridzuan, the second                        Despite  the  pandemic  outbreak,  make  some  �me
           largest state in Peninsular Malaysia is a land famed for its                        to plan out your future vaca�on! Everybody needs
           natural tropical beauty and rich cultural history. Tracking                         an escapism once things have se�led down. Book
           back  to  the  years  of  the  Bri�sh  colonial  period,  Perak  was                early  for  the  travel  package  that  meets  your
           forged  from  �n  mining  and  rubber  tree  planta�ons,  the                       preferences  to  experience  a  hustle-free  vaca�on
           remains of which are s�ll visible today.  Today, Perak con�n-                           with your family, friends or loved ones!
           ues to be a charming state bustling with vibrant people, who
           warmly welcome all its visitors a�racted by the rus�c charm
           of  old  colonial  buildings  that  have  been  preserved  and
                    repurposed to fit today’s lifestyle.
           For those looking for natural wonders, Perak is blessed with
           white sandy beaches and amazing underwater treasures.
           Then there is its crown treasure,  the magnificent caves that
           date back thousands of years and natural rainforests are even
                   older, going back to millions of years.
           Perak,  offering    a  journey  of  mystery,  excitement  and  luxury
                      awaits you with open arms.
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