Page 11 - Franchisee Brochure May 2024
P. 11

Building an asset

        Building a business with ERA isn’t just about income;   In fact, our largest ERA practice boasts a team of
        it’s about creating an asset that secures a lasting    over 20 associates, emphasizing the limitless growth
        financial future for you and your family.              potential.

        As a franchise partner, these client relationships are   Business Exit Strategies
        yours to own and nurture, allowing your asset to grow   When contemplating an exit strategy, our model
        in tandem with your income.                            prioritizes flexibility. You can opt to sell externally or,
                                              Building an asset
                                                               more commonly, facilitate a smooth transition by
        Expanding your Asset                                   transferring operations to trusted associates or to
                                                                                                     Year 1
        As your client base expands and income streams         other franchise partners within the ERA network.
                                              Building a
        multiply, the value of your asset grows. Numerous  business with ERA isn’t just about        Develop
                      Building an asset
                                              income; it’s about creating an asset that secures a
        franchise partners expand by employing ‘associates’,   This freedom empowers franchise partners to tailor
                                                                                                     Year 2 - 3
                                              lasting financial future for you and your family.
                                                                             Year 1
        fostering business growth, and potentially scaling into   their exit strategy, ensuring a seamless transition
        larger consulting practices.
                                              As a franchise partner, these client relationships
 Building an asset    Building a business with ERA isn’t just about   aligned with their preferences and goals.
                      income; it’s about creating an asset that secures a and nurture, allowing your asset  Scale
                                              are yours to own
                      lasting financial future for you and your family. tandem with your income.  Year 2 - 3  Year 4+
                                              to grow in
                                                     Year 1
                      As a franchise partner, these client relationships  Asset
 Building an asset  Building a business with ERA isn’t just about   Expanding your
                                              As your client
 income; it’s about creating an asset that secures a and nurture, allowing your asset base expands and income streams  Renew or Exit
                      are yours to own
                                              multiply, the value
                      to grow in
 lasting financial future for you and your family. tandem with your income.  Year 2 - 3 of your asset grows. Numerous   Year 10+
                                                                             Year 4+
                             Year 1
                                              franchise partners expand by employing
 As a franchise partner, these client relationships  Asset
 Building a business with ERA isn’t just about   Expanding your  ‘associates’, fostering business growth, and
                                                                                        Renew or Exit
                                              potentially scaling into larger consulting practices.
                      As your client
 income; it’s about creating an asset that secures a and nurture, allowing your asset base expands and income streams  Scale  Renew or Exit
 are yours to own
                                           Year 2-3
                     Year 1
                      multiply, the value
 to grow in
 lasting financial future for you and your family. tandem with your income.  Year 2 - 3 of your asset grows. Numerous   Year 4+  Year 10+  Year 10+
                                                     Year 4+
                                              In fact,
                      franchise partners expand by employing our largest ERA practice boasts a team of
                                              over 20
 Expanding your
 As a franchise partner, these client relationships  Asset  ‘associates’, fostering business growth, and associates, emphasising the limitless   Over the last few years
                      potentially scaling into larger consulting practices.
 are yours to own and nurture, allowing your asset base expands and income streams  growth potential.  my business has
 As your client
                                                      Renew or Exit
 to grow in tandem with your income.  Year 4+         Year 10+
 multiply, the value of your asset grows. Numerous
                              “ “
                                              Business Exit Strategies
                      In fact,
 franchise partners expand by employing our largest ERA practice boasts a team of                    experienced significant
                                              When contemplating an exit strategy, our model
                      over 20
 Expanding your Asset  ‘associates’, fostering business growth, and associates, emphasising the limitless   Over the last few years   growth, so much so that I
                      growth potential.
 As your client base expands and income streamsng into larger consulting practices.   prioritises flexibility. You can opt to sell externally  had to employ additional
 potentially scali
                              Renew or Exit
                                                                             my business has
                                              or, more commonly, facilitate a smooth transition
 multiply, the value of your asset grows. Numerous   Being the founder of a start-up business, I understood what
                                                                                                     staff. I am now focused
                              Year 10+
                                                                             experienced significant
                      Business Exit Strategies
 franchise partners expand by employing our largest ERA practice boasts a team of  by transferring operations to trusted associates or  on building my business
 In fact,
                              it takes for a business to survive and ERA provided the right
                      When contemplating an exit strategy, our model
 over 20
 ‘associates’, fostering business growth, and associates, emphasising the limitless   to other franchise partners within the ERA  growth, so much so that I
                                                     Over the last few years
 potentially scaling into larger consulting practices.   prioritises flexibility. You can opt to sell externally  had to employ additional  to generate 7-figure
 growth potential.
                              network and model for success.
                                                     my business has
                      or, more commonly, facilitate a smooth transition      staff. I am now focused  revenues.
                                              This freedom empowers franchise partners to
                                                     experienced significant
 In fact, our largest ERA practice boasts a team of  by transferring operations to trusted associates or
 Business Exit Strategies
                              ANNAMARIA VARGA their exit strategy, ensuring a seamless
 over 20 associates, emphasising the limitless   to other franchise partners within the ERA  growth, so much so that I  on building my business  CHARLES REID  PA RTN E R
 When contemplating an exit strategy, our model
                                                                                                         F RA N C HI SE
                                                                                                     E RA
                              Over the last few years
                              ERA FRANCHISE PARTNER AUSTRALIA
                                                                             to generate 7-figure
 growth potential.  prioritises flexibility. You can opt to sell externally  transition aligned with their preferences and goals.
                                                     had to employ additional
                              my business has
 or, more commonly, facilitate a smooth transition                           revenues.
                              experienced significant
                      This freedom empowers franchise partners to
 Business Exit Strategies  by transferring operations to trusted associates or  staff. I am now focused
                      tailor their exit strategy, ensuring a seamless
 to other franch
 When contemplating an exit strategy, our model ise partners within the ERA  growth, so much so that I  on building my business  CHARLES REID  PA RTN E R
                                                                                 F RA N C HI SE
                                                                             E RA
                                                     to generate 7-figure
 prioritises flexibility. You can opt to sell externally  transition aligned with their preferences and goals.
                              had to employ additional
 or, more commonly, facilitate a smooth transition  staff. I am now focused  revenues.
 by transferring operations to trusted associates orpowers franchise partners to
 This freedom em
 to other franchise partners within the ERA  on building my business  CHARLES REID  PA RTN E R
 tailor their exit strategy, ensuring a seamless
                                                     E RA
                                                         F RA N C HI SE
                              to generate 7-figure
 network.   transition aligned with their preferences and goals.
 This freedom empowers franchise partners to
 tailor their exit strategy, ensuring a seamless   CHARLES REID  PA RTN E R
                                 F RA N C HI SE
                             E RA
 transition aligned with their preferences and goals.
                                                               2023                                        11
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