Page 2 - For Kasey ( 3 pages) Final 2_Neat
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Because she is in a position to o‡er advice a lot and
        DETERMINATION                                                                                                                            believes in collaboration over competition, Kasey often
                                                                                                                                                 shares with others some key elements of her journey.
        OVER DOUBT                                                                                                                               “Agents should always continue to self-educate them-
                                                                                                                                                 selves and to never be afraid of asking someone for
                                                            We all have dreams. But in order to make                                             help. They must become a great listener and learn to
                                                                                                                                                 become an expert in networking. Also, if you are the
                                                     dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of
                                                                                                                                                 smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong
                                                determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.                                          room!” – she quips. If she could re-do anything, she
                                                                                          JESSE OWENS                                            might have wanted to enter real estate earlier, and she
                                                                                                                                                 would have connected with a mentor sooner since,
                                                                                                                                                 together, we are usually better.
        Kasey Singleton knows a little about Owens’ strategic words,   but her attitude that she is her own CEO helps her to
        and she has been given the task of demonstrating that every   achieve. “I realized that things were not going to get                     Kasey is married to Harold Singleton and they are quite
        day. With a full career, six children of her own and four   done unless I made it happen,” she explains. She notes                       busy keeping track of all the lives of their children.
        step-children, a husband, and a home to orchestrate, it makes   that people should understand the power of a smile and                   When she needs some recuperation time, she is usually
        most people tired just to imagine how she does all of it so   that meaningful relationships do not just happen without                   hanging out with family and friends. She loves to attend
        well. Though there are no recognition awards for her stellar   considerable e‡ort.                                                       the activities of her children – whether it is football,
        performance at home, she has earned company honors. Kasey                                                                                baseball, or cheerleading. She also loves to give back
        is the only eXp realty agent in the Augusta CSRA area that   In the early days, Kasey was trying to define her “style”                    to others, and she is particularly excited about the
        made ICON two years straight and the number one eXp agent   if you will, and she had a bit of shyness to overcome.                       opportunity to mentor people as she forges her team.
        in the CSRA two years in a row. With 50 transactions last   One day, in a meeting, she had a defining moment                              Singleton loves to inspire others and has enjoyed being
        year and a sales volume over $10 million, she is just getting   where she realized that she did not have to be the                       on several mission trips too.
        started – literally.                                  loudest to make the most noise, and at that point in
                                                              time, she settled into her comfort zone in her industry.                           Kasey Singleton is described by her friends as
        Kasey worked two decades as a pharmacy technician, but   The beautiful thing about selling real estate is that you                       hard-working, self-motivated, giving, Godly, loving,
        when her children became older and had di‡erent needs, her   are able to build your business around your authentic                       and caring. She is quite knowledgeable, considerate,
        mom told her to consider a career change – thinking real estate   personality and worldview.                                             and faithful, and she could be described as a visionary.
        or something at the school system. Singleton had asked her                                                                               She is very thankful for the outpouring of support and
        agent when she bought her first home (at the age of 23      Kasey’s success has launched her as a Rising                                  the opportunity to continue to do something she loves.
        if real estate was rewarding. The agent’s reply,                Star, but she finds the concept to be full of                             Singleton is quick to admit that none of her success
        “It is hard.” Kasey filed that response with                        related qualities. For her, success is                                would be possible without God, her family and friends,
        minimal interest, but when she purchased                              about identifying key relationships,                               her incredible clients, and her brokerage. Kasey
        her second home, her agent made it look                                 being willing to learn, and truly                                has helped many who have had to navigate life’s
        wonderful, so Kasey took the plunge,                                      listening to the communica-                                    crucibles, and she jokes that real estate is not
        and she has been “rolling ever since.”                                     tion of others. She is always                                 for the faint of heart. Living life properly and
                                                                                    thinking in terms of remain-                                 serving others in real estate takes considerable
        Singleton loves her work, for she                                            ing self-motivated and                                      passion, and Kasey is prepared for the job!
        values building strong and lasting                                           pushing to the next level as
        relationships, helping people, and                                           soon as she reaches a goal.
        meeting their needs. Whether at                                              Singleton knows that she                                    I REALIZED THAT THINGS
        home or in the professional realm,                                           must surround herself with
        Kasey is a mentor, who seeks to                                              other people who want her                                   WERE NOT GOING TO GET
        understand where people are and                                                to win, and she o‡ers the
        take them to where they need                                                       same in return.
        to be. She has had to struggle                                                                                                           DONE UNLESS I MADE
        a bit through the establish-
        ment of creating systems,                                                                                                                IT HAPPEN.

                                                                                                                                                 If you know an “Agent on the Rise” who is on their way to
                                                                                                                                                 becoming a Top 300 agent in the CSRA…send me your

        24 • December 2021                                                                              @realproducers                                                   Central Savannah River Area Real Producers • 25
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