Page 6 - Rayson-catalog-120Dec2020
P. 6

Color Tools
          Hi-Lite Wraps

                Easy to use for All Hair Coloring and Highlighting Techniques

            2.5” x 7”                      4” x 7”                      4” x 10”                      4” x 16”
                                                                                                    with helper board
          Item # 22 21 2000             Item # 22 21 2001            Item # 22 21 2002             Item # 22 21 2023

        Hi-Lite Wraps™ are used instead of foil for highlighting. Lighter and more flexible, they cut preparation time
        in half. Almost transparent paper makes it unnecessary to unwrap for checking progress of color. Use on any
        length or thickness of hair for dimensional coloring. 250 sheets per pack.

                 Clear Film                    Helper Board 2-Pack                   4”x16” Helper Board

        A great new tool for dimensional      Our plastic helper board allows        The extra large 4”x16” plastic
        hair    coloring!   See    color      the  stylist to  quickly brush         helper board allows the stylist
        process  through  film  offering      color onto the client’s hair while    to quickly brush color onto long
        better  control  for  multi-color     holding the wrap in place. Color        hair while holding the wrap
        treatments.  Great  for  “Spot”       can be placed closer to the scalp.      in place. Color can be placed
        coloring.  Easy  to  handle,  easy    The 2-board pack includes one          closer to the scalp. One board
        to use, cuts preparation time in      each 4”x 7” & 4”x 10”.                            package.
                                                 2 Board Pack  Item # 22 21 2004        4” x 16”  Item # 22 21 2010
             4” x 7”  Item # 24 95 9229
             4” x 10”  Item # 24 95 9228
           800.526.1526                                               Page 6                        
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