Page 9 - Rayson-catalog-120Dec2020
P. 9

Spa Necessities                      ™

          Protective Coverings

                       Disposable Coverings for various uses in the Spa or Salon

                     Gauze Face Masks                                     Elastic Spa Table Cover

                 Precut  gauze  can  be  used                              Form fitting, disposable material
                 for  paraffin  hydrating  masks,                          absorbs  moisture  and  protects
                 heated  or  cooling treatments,                           spa   table.   Elastic  corners
                 clay  treatments,   purifying or                          provide a snug fit.
                 exfoliating treatments.
                                                                                      36” x 72”
                          50 per package                                   10 Elastic Covers per package
                         Item # 24 95 9093                                        Item # 22 40 2454

           Face Cradle Covers                      Mylar Blankets                           Finger Cots

        Disposable Cover for use on the       A  semi-reusable  sheet  made         Comfortable  latex  used  to
        headrest of spa tables. Protects      of  space  age  material.  Helps      protect  finger  tips.  Provides
        and provides a place for resting      reflect 90% of body heat during       concentrated  protection during
        the face or head area.                full body treatments.                 treatments  or  as  an  aid  in
                                                                                    handling paper products.
               13” circumference                       Size: 84” x 52”
                                                                                         144 Cots per Package
         100 per pkg. Item # 24 95 9082         3 sheet pkg. Item # 24 90 9747
                                                                                         Small Item # 24 95 9125
                                                                                       Medium Item # 24 95 9126
                                                                                         Large Item # 24 95 9127

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