Page 14 - Rayson-catalog-120Dec2020
P. 14

Spa Necessities                      ™

          Manicure / Pedicure

      Professional Tools for Nail Procedures

               Pedi-Pipes™                   Twist Strip Toe Separators                      Nail Brush

        Pedi-Pipes™ Toe Separators are        Disposable  soft  strips.  Twist      Nail Brush with Handle.  Use to
        disposable,  soft  100%  cotton       them around the clients toes to       clean  nails before  treatments.
        tubes. 7.75” long, with twistable     keep them spaced apart during         Has extra long handle for better
        capabilities. Pull these pipes out    pedicures.                            control.
        to full length  and  twist around
        client’s  toes  for  spacing  during              2” x 25”                       1 Nail Brush w/Handle
        pedicure.                             50 per Package Item # 22 40 2407             Item # 22 40 9397

         100 Count Pkg Item # 25 90 9162
         200 Count Pkg Item # 25 90 9163

              Paraffin Bags                   Poly Coated Tray Liners              Birchwood Mani/Pedi Sticks

        Pliable  plastic  bags  sized  to  fit   Provide  a  sanitary  barrier      Use to clean under and around
        a  complete  hand  or  foot  wax      between  instrument  trays  and       the nail. This 4” long round stick
        treatment immersion. Available        all beauty/esthetic implements.       is pointed on one end and has a
        in two sizes.                         One  Tray  Liner  per  client.        flat chisel surface on the other.
              12” x 18” Paraffin Bag          Accessories sold separately.
                 100 per package                       100 per Package                    144 Sticks per Package
               Item # 25 90 9221
                                                 8.5” x 11” • Item # 25 90 9227            Item # 24 90 9305
            9” x 15” Clear Paraffin Bag         8.5” x 12.25” • Item # 25 90 9231
                 100 per package               9.5” x 12.375” • Item # 25 90 9232
               Item # 25 90 9224                 9” x 13.5” • Item # 25 90 9233

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