Page 15 - Rayson-catalog-120Dec2020
P. 15

Spa Necessities                      ™


                                                 Gloves, Razors, etc.

         Nitrile & Latex Gloves                  Pink Nitrile Gloves                   Disposable Razors

          Nitrile Disposable Gloves have      Pink Nitrile Disposable Gloves have        Economically packaged
          textured fingertips and are powder    textured fingertips and are powder         disposable razors.
          free. Sensitive and ambidextrous.     free. Sensitive and ambidextrous.
             Powder Free Disposable
           Latex Gloves are sensitive and        200 gloves per dispenser box.               100 per package
                  ambidextrous.                                                            Item # 25 90 9308
            100 gloves per dispenser box.      Nitrile Gloves S - Pink - Item # 26 00 1121   50 per package
                                               Nitrile Gloves M - Pink - Item # 26 00 1119  Item # 25 90 9307
        Nitrile Gloves SM - Black - Item # 10 25 3029  Nitrile Gloves L - Pink - Item # 26 00 1120
         Nitrile Gloves M - Black - Item # 26 00 1019                                        25 per package
        Nitrile Gloves LG - Black - Item # 26 00 1020                                      Item # 25 90 9306
        Nitrile Gloves X L - Black - Item # 26 00 1021                                       10 per package
        Latex Gloves X L - Black - Item # 26 00 1039                                       Item # 25 90 9305
         Latex Gloves M - White - Item # 26 00 1022

         Facial Blotter Paper                        Cotton Swabs                   Disinfecting Accessories

        Unique,  all  natural  linen-like     Cotton        Swabs        come       The 32oz Acrylic Disinfecting Jar
        material  absorbs  oil without        conveniently  packaged  in 2-         has stainless steel parts for quick
        removing makeup. Available in         packs eliminating possible cross      and easy use.
                                                                                            Item # 21 01 1117
        a  handy  self  closing pouch  for    contamination  possible with
        easy access to each sheet.            bulk packaging.  100  2-packs
                                              are in each box.                      The Disinfecting Tray
           3” x 4” • 75mm x 100mm                                                   automatically lowers tools into the
           Pkg. of 65 Item # 24 95 9090              3 inch Cotton Swabs            disinfectant solution when the lid is
                                                      Item # 25 90 9309             closed
                                                                                            Item # 21 01 1122
                                                     6 inch Cotton Swabs
                                                      Item # 25 90 9310
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