Page 16 - Rayson-catalog-120Dec2020
P. 16

                                                               wrap & dry styling turban
                                                               • • Perfect for today’s sculpted and molded hairstyles.
                                                                 • • Crepe is strong even when wet.
                                                                 • • Holds hair in place while it dries.
                                                             1 Roll
                                                             2  1/2  inches x 100 feet
                                                                  Made in USA
               Cotton Esthetic Wipe 4 Ply

                                                                                                             Medical   Grade   non-woven   wipes   provide   a   high
                                                                                                             degree  of  absorbency  in  a  lint-free  design.  Perfect  for
                                                                                                             all  facial  cleansing,  instrument  cleaning  and  nail
                                                                                                             polish removal. Opens to a single ply sheet 4” x 4” wipe.
                                                                                               2” x 2” 4-ply medical grade non-woven wipes  2” x 2” 4-ply medical   grade non-woven wipes
                                                                                            2” x 2” 4-ply Medical Grade Non-Woven Wipes
                                                                                                              The  12-ply  medical-grade  gauze  pad  is  perfect  for
                                                                                                              facial  and  body  services,  waxing  procedures,
                                                                                                              exfoliating aids, instrument cleaning and much more.
                                                                                               2” x 2” 12-ply medical grade gauze  2” x 2” 12-ply medical   grade gauze
                                                                                            2” x 2” Medical Grade Gauze
                                                                                                               The  100%  cotton  filled,  abrasive  surface  is
                                                                                                               perfect  for  many  skin  treatments.
                                                                                                               Excellent  for  removing  excess  lotions!
                                                                                                2” x 2” 100% cotton filled gauze wipe  2” x 2” 100% cotton   filled gauze wipe
                                                                                            2” x 2” 100% Cotton Filled Gauze Wipe
                                                                                                              The  100%   cotton  filled,  abrasive  surface  is  perfect
                                                                                                              for  any  nail  treatment.  Its  absorbancy
                                                                                                              is  excellent  for  nail  polish  removal.  2” x 2” 100% cotton
                                                                                              2” x 2” 100% cotton filled manicure/pedicure wipes  filled manicure/  pedicure wipes
                                                                                            2” x 2” Cotton Filled Manicure/Pedicure Wipes

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