P. 40

Efficient transport is essential for the economic viability of the AeroMe-
                                                     dina. Goods and services that are produced need to easily loaded on Aer-
                                                     oplanes and transported to the destinations.  A key factor which need to
                                                     be resolved in the design of the AeroMedina, was how commuters from

                                                     the  residential  petals  and  the  CBD  can  pass  over  the  airport  runway
                                                     without  conflicting  with  horizontal  aircraft  transport,  and  more  im-
                                                     portantly, not breaking traditional rules of air transport safety require-


                                                      The solution found has been to raise both the airport, and the runway
                                                     above ground to a height of 10 metres.  PALV can either travel as a mo-
                                                     tor vehicle along a central spine directly from the CBD to the rear of the

                                                     Airport directly to the northern petals.  Alternatively, a PALV commuter
                                                     can fly under the runway on either the far North-Western end, or the
                                                     South-Eastern end.  The ground has been lowered to a height of five me-
                                                     tres, making the total airspace to travel under the runway fifteen me-

                                                     tres.    It  is  expected that the  clearance  will  be  easily  sufficient  for the
                                                     PALV’s to fly through this space.  Otherwise the PALV can travel along
                                                     the circular road to the North.
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