P. 37

The Spanish based Gemasolar power station is approximately 185 hec-
                                                       tares, and produces 19.9 MW of power (110GW per year, sufficient power
                                                       to supply 27,500 homes.  (Wikipedia, Gemasolar, 2014)

                                                        While this insufficient in size to generate enough energy to power each
                                                       petal, the technology is continues to improve and can help each communi-
                                                       ty have it’s own determination of energy. In addition, is a sewerage settle-

                                                       ment plant to help generate drinkable water.

                                                       The Central Business District of the Al Gharbia AeroMedina design pro-
                                                       vides  a  combination  of  offices,  two  hotels,  inner-city  residential  apart-
                                                       ments, entertainment, a major hospital, and other retail related facilities.
                                                       The heights of the buildings are designed to graduated lower the closer
                                                       one  gets to Airport  runway.    A series of  linear  spread,  geodesic-shaped

                                                       domes, and hyper-domes are located close to the office towers, to ensure
                                                       entertainment,  including  sports,  but  all  housed  for  cool  climatic  condi-
                                                       tions during the approximately summer-like months.

                                                       The CBD is planned with pedestrian boulevards that are spatially de-
                                                       signed to a single focal point, close to the airport, where commuters have
                                                       the option to fly their PALV to a centralised point and take an Industrial

                                                       lift moves their PALV into the basement parking level.  The alternative
                                                       to flying is for residents of the Petals to drive their PALV under the lower
                                                       basement plinth to park under the CBD.  They access the upper flower
                                                       towers and other facilities via a series of equally spaced stairs and lift fa-
                                                       cilitated stations.

                                                                                                                                                             Polymer’s plant Taiwan,

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