P. 34

To the southern side of the circular shape road way and of the airport it-
                                                      self, are a series of self-contained residential ‘petal’-shaped residential ar-
                                                      ea.  Each  area  is  a  predominately  self-contained  community  with  most
                                                      community facilities located within walking distance to a resident.

                                                      The areas are defined as two essential layers.  The bottom or “basement”
                                                      level is the transport and PALV parking level. The upper level is the pe-
                                                      destrian or townscape level.  To service transport within each community

                                                      area,  an electric  “People  mover”  car  system  moves  residents  within the
                                                      designated residential petal area underground.

                                                       Those  residents  who  wish  to  travel outside  their  residential  area  have

                                                      the  choice of  utilising  their  personal PALV,  or  take  the  “People  mover”
                                                      rail system which moves along the circular road system.  Access to the
                                                      “basement”  transport  level  is  along  a  series  of  evenly  spaced  station
                                                      points throughout each residential community.

                                                      The residential land use comprises eighteen U-shaped ground + four story
                                                      apartment buildings arranged in groups of two offset from each other.  At
                                                      the centre of each pair is a wind-tower which aims utilizes both the wind

                                                      and a recycling movement of water which sprays and cools the two court-
                                                      yards.  Close to each of the apartments and clustered predominately to                                                      UPC, 2010
                                                      the  northern  tip  of  the  petal  are  two  story  villas,  mostly  occupied  by
                                                      Emirati’s. The apartments are expected to house the expatriate popula-

                                                      tion.  Each petal will have a population of around 33,400 people.

                                                      Each residential petal is a self-contained community which includes are
                                                      the necessary community facilities such as shops, post office, schools, kin-

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