P. 32

23,500  residents  and  visitors  including  2,900  employees.
                                                      (Atkins,  2004,  p.14).    The  circular  island  design  layout  termi-

                                                      nates to the north and south on a large semi-circular cusp that
                                                      is the resorts central entertainment and service facility.

                                                      The expected population of the resort has changed overtime, but

                                                      any  early  concept design estimated the  resident population  as
                                                      approximately 26,400, mostly of G.C.C Nationals (Atkins, 2004).

                                                       The third inspiration for the Al Gharbia desert Aerotropolis de-
                                                      sign is the non-carbon producing city currently under construc-

                                                      tion in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi:  Masdar City.  The aim of the
                                                      city is to be one of the world’s sustainable non-carbon producing
                                                      city.  (Masdar City, circa 2010)  It also has been designed to be
                                                      socially sustainable as possible, for example the major means of

                                                      transport within the city is electrically powered small cars that
                                                      are driverless, and are all underground.  The advantage of the
                                                      underground  transport  system  is  the  reduction  in  pedestrian

                                                      and vehicle conflicts, including accidents.  Thus Masdar City is
                                                      built on two levels, an underground transport network, and an
                                                      upper pedestrian townscape.

                                                      When combining the Durrat Al Bahrain and Masdar City model
                                                      of city design, the Al Gharbia Aerotropolis is to be physically de-
                                                      fined in the following form and structure:

                                                           A medina comprising a population of approximately 35,000

                                                           The population comprises a combination of both Emirati’s
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