P. 27
High speed Internet Broadband network
Light Industrial “High Technology” Parks
Residential areas with multimodality transport
Hotel & Entertainment Park
(Kasarda J. & Lindsay, G, 2011, from Grayscale image: “John D. Kasarda
and Taoyuan Aerotropolis” page opposite p.213).
The major motivation and advantage for creating one or more Aero-
tropoli’s is to maximise the efficient trade of goods utilising air
transport, especially during the current and future period of globalisa-
tion and international competition. (Kasarda J. & Lindsay, 2011).
However, there have been a number of disadvantages associated with
the Aerotropolis city design concept and these are primarily environ-
mental factors. Stormwater and groundwater pollution, (Petzler, E,
2012), noise and air pollution are the two most obvious environmental
problems. A significant issue of concern is the issue of the use of fossil
fuels (hydrocarbons) and the impact on Climate Change (Charles, M, et
al, 2007) Unlike the most common city layout where the airport(s) is lo-
cated on a city’s outskirts, (and subsequently any pollution can be isolat-
ed away from the CBD and major residential populations), the Aerotrop-
olis design paradigm requires the airport to be either central, or close to
the other land uses including business parks, and residential areas.
A key concern about the economic and environmental viability of the
Aerotropolis model is oil cost, and whether it remain relatively inexpen-