P. 23
flight itself by the Wright Brothers, on the December 13, 1907.
The PALV concept has the potential far reaching implications on the
lives of many people, including how we will commute — individually and
on mass – in the skies, and most important of all, the implications for
the future shape, configuration, and land uses within existing and new
This thesis considers the design of an AeroMedina, an Arabic city de-
sign based the physical layout and infrastructure, built around a cen-
tralised and integrated city airport. It will consider briefly the historical
and economic factors that influence the desire to develop the Aerotropo-
lis as a primary important city model. This study will also consider the
potential emerging role the increase in personal mobility based around
residents utilising Personal Air and Land Vehicles (PALV). The second
part of this study will add some contextual realism in the design of an
Aerotropolis design conceivably built in the arid desert of Al Gharbia
Western Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The proposed design of
this desert Aerotropolis, will explore the major influences taking into ac-
count climate, Arabic culture, regional and international economics, and
technology, and will illustrate how this Arabic city of the future may ap-
pear in spatial, environmental, and economic form.
Urban Planning Council, 2010, Al Gharbia Plan 2030
“The rapid expansion of airport-linked commercial facilities is making to-
day’s air gateways anchors of 21st century metropolitan development
where distant travelers and locals alike can conduct business, exchange
knowledge, shop, eat, sleep, and be entertained without going more than
15 minutes from the airport. This functional and spatial evolution is trans-
forming many city airports into airport cities.” (Porada, B, 2013)