Page 47 - HFACS Flipbook Holcim v 1.2
P. 47
expensive, but cost nominal relative to
The cost of the
The intervention is
The cost of the
intervention is
intervention is
COST/BENEFIT Does the benefit of the intervention outweigh the cost? impact on safety and its expected benefit. the expected impact
exorbitant relative to
could be justified by
its minimal expected
on safety and
Return on
investment is
relatively equal to
The intervention The intervention will
The intervention will
very likely eliminate
reduces the
not directly eliminate
the problem or
the problem or
likelihood of the
EFFECTIVENESS How effective will the intervention be in eliminating the problem or reducing its consequences? hazard and it relies in part on the human compliance with the
problem or hazard
hazard and it does
heavily on willful
not rely on willful
occurring but relies
compliance it the
memory and/or
change and/or
change or require
willful compliance
requires humans to
humans to
remember to
remember to
with the change.
perform the task
perform the task
The benefits of the The impact of the
The impact of
SUSTAINABILITY How well will the intervention last over time? diminish rapidly after slowly dissipate over maintain its benefits.
intervention will
intervention will
intervention may
have a tendency to
persist over time
it is deployed and/or
with minimal efforts
will require
being required to
time and will require
moderate efforts to
extraordinary efforts
to keep it working.
2022 Holcim Group HSE