Page 43 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 43


                             Controls                                                                      Critical

            Forty-nine controls specific to        Nothing in the Critical Control                                Controls
            12 unwanted events will prevent        Program is new, it is simply
            fatal incidents at Holcim - that is    a prioritized list of existing
            all it takes.                          requirements. We must have the
                                                   utmost operational discipline to
            Critical Control Management            put these controls in place and
            is a proven program to prevent         maintain them effectively.
            serious injuries and fatalities. It
            was not built from some corporate      These controls are the basics
            theoretical risk assessment but        for our industry and the key to
            rather a large collaboration to        achieving zero harm to people.
            review our past Serious Incidents      In this section, you will find
            and Fatalities and define exactly      solutions to accelerate your
            which controls MUST be put in          journey towards 100% compliance.
            place to prevent reoccurence.

               Contact with  Coal Mill  Contact with  Material                Structural
              Hazardous Energy  Explosion  Hot Meal  Engulfment  Liquid Fuel Fire  Collapse

              Mobile Equipment   Fall from Height   Polluted Water  Respiratory  Emissions
                Incident                Fatal Road Crash  Discharge  Illness  Exceedance
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