Page 63 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
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United Kingdom
       Structural Collapse

       Centralized structural

       excellence                                                                                         UNITED   KINGDOM  Cement

       Description              •  Digital solution to track
       A dedicated structural     inspections and actions with
       integrity team was         dashboard visible for all
       established to support
       the business on the most   Results/Impacts
       complex topics. With the   •  The Structural Compliance
       support of external third-  Program achieved an
       party experts, annual     impressive 88% compliance
       inspections are carried out   rate in Q2’23
       in a dedicated software and   •  Zero structural collapses
       structures are re-designed or   since implementation                                           Dragan Maksimovic
       restored.                •  Better asset protection                                                 CEO
                                •   Development of Internal
       Key success factors        expertise
       •  Excellent collaboration   •  Clear visibility of priorities
        between internal and
        external engineering teams                        Redesigned structure: support falls outside of the

       •  UK-wide centrally managed     Quality Control &   stockpile, allows easy maintenance & inspection
        structural inspection      Assurance

        program led by Director of     Preventive maintenance
        Business Excellence        & Inspections                                                         Mike Belson
       •  Use of third-party        Structural Protection                                               Head of H&S

        inspectors to increase      Safe Operating Limits
        internal expertise          Exclusion Zones
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