Page 71 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 71

       Integration of new


       Welcome to the family                                                                               ROMANIA  Solutions &   Products

       Description            •  Focus on major risks
       Following the acquisition   on precast (e.g.: lifting,
       of Somaco, concrete     hazardous energies)
       precast producer, a
       significant gap in HSE   Results/Impacts
       performance had to be   •  70% reduction of
       addressed.              LTIs in two years (800
       A dedicated task force   employees in 6 plants)
       was put in place with   •  Engaged workforce
       competent people and a   embracing Holcim´s HSE
       prioritized action plan,  with   culture                                                         Bogdan Dobre
       Boots on the Ground at the   •  BoG targets achieved
       top of the list, to ensure we   less than 1 year after
       engaged the new workforce   implementation
       from the start.

       Key success factors
       •  Quick implementation of
        Boots on the Ground
       •  Strong collaboration                                                                           Radu Oprea
        with Holcim Australia                                                                           Head of HSE
        precast business

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