Page 19 - SIM Guide to annual assessment_v2.0_Dec 2021
P. 19
Steel- General
▪ Assessment method based in:
o Existing information (drawings, building codes)
o visual inspection
o Soft hammer test to find loose fastenings, loose plates. Cracks and
evaluate corrosion condition
o Non destructive test (flaw detection penetrant,…)
o Measurements (plate thickness, member deformation,…)
▪ Significant foundation or structure settlement, deflection, movement or vibration
▪ Parts of structures or members incorrectly erected, welded, riveted or bolted
▪ Absence of rivets, bolts, nuts, washers or similar locking mechanisms
▪ Loose connections between members, or displaced connections
▪ Damage caused by impacts or notches in structural members
▪ Any notable structural weakness resulting from missing or damaged parts or
advanced corrosion
▪ Absence of, missing or removed structural members
▪ Wear caused by abrasion
▪ Loss of cross section due to wear, abrasion or corrosion and paintwork condition
▪ Welding quality, cracks on plates, members, in welds and bolts
▪ Excessive vibration, impact loading, duty cycle or movement during equipment
▪ Where possible, internal inspection shall be carried out in hollow structures
(hoppers, bins, silos). Internal welds that can not be visually inspected shall be
subject to ultrasonic testing by qualified person.
▪ If design safety factor is not available, then consider safety factor of the
maximum permissible stress in the steel may be in the range of 25% to 35%, say
▪ For critical structural elements i.e. members which are essential for the stability of
a structure, welding seams, plates and connections, as well as any elevated access
mean for personnel, it is recommended to:
1. Carry out a “soft” hammer test to find loose fastenings, loose plates or connections, cracks or to
evaluate corrosion condition.
2. Use non-destructive techniques (NDT) such as dye penetrant test for not clearly visible cracks.
3. Make measurements (plate thickness, member deformation) where possible or needed, in
addition of or to confirm visual observations