Page 20 - SIM Guide to annual assessment_v2.0_Dec 2021
P. 20

Steel- General


           ▪   Tool box for inspection may include: notebook, photo camera, binoculars,
               hammer, metallic brush, color spray, measure tape and gauge caliber.
           ▪   It is recommended to establish and itinerary to carry out the Assessment i.e.
               following the material flow.
           ▪   Flow sheet with equipment codes will facilitate the identification of the defects

           ▪   Defects can be physically marked on the field with color spray or painting.

           ▪   Consider the immediate implementation of counter measures (even
               temporary) for  risks identified as high.
           ▪   Design peer review must be done for the structures where a correct design or
               erection is in doubt.
           ▪   Changes from the original design (i.e. new heavier equipment installed

               supported by an existing structure or platform) should be considered and
               analyzed as its bearing capability could have been modified.
           ▪   Structures that have been modified or showing cuts, modifications or missing
               parts/members should be assessed carefully in order to analyze their new
               bearing capabilities.
           ▪   Thickness of beams and plates on critical structures and members can be
               measured yearly.  Same for the measurement of member deformation.



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