P. 31
Vocabulary Practice
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below.
U. S. Constitution Delegates Executive
Amendments Constitution Legislative
Courts Confederation Demonstrating
Assembled Judicial Significant
The Constitutional Convention
A constitutional convention is a gathering of people interested in drafting a new
constitution or making … 1) the existing one. For instance, the … 2) was drafted by the
Constitutional Convention that met there in 1787, and it is being used by … 3) to decide civil
and criminal disputes today. Although not every constitutional convention is the Convention,
those … 4) in the United States did so with the express intention of debating and formulating
the Constitution.
The goal of the constitutional convention expanded significantly from what the
founding … 5) anticipated. The 1787 Constitutional Convention was not initially referred to
as such when the delegates first met. They had no intention of ever creating a new … 6).
They genuinely believed that their gathering aimed to discuss possible amendments to the
Articles of … 7) before doing so.
However, the Constitutional Convention's true aim became apparent when the
delegates gathered in one place. They concurred that developing a new Constitution would be
preferable to merely amending the Articles of Confederation. Because of this, the United
States currently has three branches of government: the … 8), … 9), and ... 10). The
establishment of a system of checks and balances was among the other decisions made by the
delegates, … 11) that the goal of the Constitutional Convention was more … 12) than the
delegates had believed.
Listening Practice
Exercises 2. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
Sources of constitutional law are similar to other sources, namely sources
of … (a) and … (b) sources. The source of material law in Indonesia is
Pancasila, namely the basis and the philosophy of the state, and the way of
life of the Indonesian (c). Meanwhile, sources of … (d) in Indonesia
include the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the 1945
constitution, the Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly, …
(e) or Government Regulations in Lieu of Laws, … (f), presidential decree, … (h), other
implementing regulations, … (j), and treaty.