P. 101

The Writers’ Biography

               Andi Tenrisanna  Syam  has  been  an English  Lecturer  in  the  English
               Language Education  Study Program at  the  State Islamic  Institute  of
               Palopo since 2015. She was born in Ujung Pandang on 23 April 1986.
               She teaches Paragraph Writing, Essay Writing, Academic Writing, and
               Error  Analysis.  She  completed  her  Bachelor's  degree  in  English
               Language Education at the State University of Makassar in 2008 and
               her  Master's  in  English  Language  Education  at  the  same  campus  in
               2 011. She has written two books.

               Ermawati  has  been  an  English  Lecturer  in  the  English  Language
               Education Study Program at the State Islamic Institute of Palopo since
               2 021. She was born in Sidenreng Rappang on 17 November 1991. She
               teaches  Principles  of Language  Teaching  and  Learning,  English  for
               Specific  Purposes,  Academic  Reading,  Advanced  Grammar,  and
               Research in E LT. She completed her Bachelor of English Education at
               State  Islamic  College  Parepare  in  2014  and  her  Master  of  English
               Language Studies at Hasanuddin University in 2017.

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