P. 99

Another  set  of  prepositions  commonly  found  in  legal  documents  is  those  used  to
               indicate time. For example, "from" and "until" are often employed to establish the duration of
               a particular action or event. An example sentence utilizing these prepositions could be, "The
               lease agreement is valid from January 1st until December 31st." Similarly, "during" indicates
               a specific period within which an action or event occurred, as in "The  incident  took place
               during the night of June 15th."

                     A preposition like "within" can specify a timeframe or geographic area within which a
               particular action or condition is applicable. This helps to avoid ambiguity and ensures that the
               reader understands the exact intent of the provision.
                     The preposition "for" is commonly used to indicate the purpose of a legal document or
               to indicate the duration of a legal document. The preposition "under" is used to indicate the
               source of authority in legal documents.

                     Prepositions  such  as  "between"  and  "among"  are  commonly  used  to  indicate  the
               number and relationship of parties. For instance,  a contract may state that  an agreement  is
               made  "between"  two  parties  or  that  a  particular  obligation  applies  "among"  a  group  of
               individuals.  Using  the  appropriate  preposition  helps  to  establish  the  legal  framework  and
               accurately convey the roles and responsibilities of each party involved.

               Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.

               1   Prepositions are important _____legal documents.
               2   The  term  'according  to  the  law'  means  _____
                   accordance with the law.
               3   The agreement shall be binding _____ the parties
               4   The law applies _____ all citizens.
               5   The court found the defendant _____ guilt  .
               6   The  lawyer  negotiated  the  terms  _____  the
               7   The judge ruled _____ the defendant's favor.
               8   The contract is valid _____ five years.
               9   The lawyer presented the evidence _____ the jur  .
               1 0. The agreement was signed _____ the parties.
               1 1. The court ruled _____ favor of the plaintiff.
               1 2. The  judge  sentenced  the  defendant  _____  ten
                   years in prison.

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