P. 42
c. The complexity of legal science
d. The precision in applying certain words
9 . Which interpretation method focuses on the meaning of the word or term?
a. Grammatical interpretation
b. Sociological interpretation
c. Historical interpretation
d. Systematical interpretation
Writing Practice
Pronoun Agreement
1 . Using the same word repeatedly in a statement might get monotonous.
Incorrect: Tsabitah rewrote her essay because her essay was rife with mistakes.
It is feasible to use a pronoun rather than saying "essay" twice.
Revision: Tsabitah rewrote her essay because it was rife with mistakes.
2 . If a pronoun is used as the sentence's subject, it must agree in number with the verb.
Incorrect: Neither of my friends are travelling this month.
The pronoun neither, which is usually singular in the phrase above, should be used with
the verb's singular form:
Revision: Neither of my friends is travelling this month.
3 . Certain indefinite pronouns are singular only:
Anybody Everybody Anyone Everyone
Anything Everything Another Each
Either Neither One No one
Nobody Someone Somebody
For examples:
One of my teachers is going to Meccah.
Nobody comes to her party.
4 While “both, few, several, and many” are always plural.
For example:
Few of the days this spring have been above 50 degrees.
Several of the participants share their personal experiences.
5 Some nouns can be singular or plural depending on the noun types they relate to,
All any most none some