P. 46

Vocabulary Practice

               Exercise 1. Latin and Dutch words and expressions are still relatively common in the legal
               terms. How many of the English meanings on the left can you match with the expressions on
               the right?

               English meanings                                               Latin/Dutch words

               Decision                                                       Besslissing
               Arrange                                                        Regelendaad
               State Organ                                                    Staatsorgan
               By the operation of the law.                                   Ipso jure
               Caught in the act of committing a crime.                       In flagrante delicto
               On the face of it, or as things initially seem.                Prima facie
               A  gift  (usually  money)  with  no  obligations               Ex gratia
               A later  statute  takes  away the  effect  of a  prior         Lex posterior derogat priori
               A statute must be socialized before being used.                Moneat lex, priusquam feriat

               Listening Practice

               Exercise 2. Listen to the recording and select the correct answer
               1   What is the practical field of constitutional law study very open about?
                  a. The powers of the President and Vice President

                  b. The role of the legislature

                  c. The structure of political parties
                  d. The position and function of the judiciary

               2 . Which institution is specifically related to constitutional law studies in a narrow sense?

                  a. The Executive Branch
                  b. The Constitutional Court

                  c. The Parliament

                  d. The Supreme Court

               3  How many jurisdictions are associated with the Constitutional Court?
                  a. 6

                  b. 3

                  c. 5

                  d. 4
               4 . Which court has the authority to dissolve political parties?

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