P. 49

c)  Law enforcement agencies ranging from Civil Servant Investigators, Police, Attorney
                       General's  Office,  Advocates,  and  judicial  as  well  as  quasi-judicial  bodies  both
                       vertically and horizontally throughout Indonesia.

                     All the state institutions and government agencies mentioned above need the support of
               adequate  and  reliable  quality  expertise  from  constitutional  law  scholars.  At  all  levels  of
               government  agencies,  there  is  always  a  need  for  a  legal  directorate,  law  firm,  legal
               department, legal division, or legal section and the state administrative court, advocates, and
               legal consultants.

               Exercise 4. Select the correct answer.

               1   What activities are covered in constitutional law?
                   a.  Legal education and development of the legal profession
                   b.  Law enforcement activities starting with investigations and prosecutions
                   c.  Legislation and formation of statutory regulations
                   d.  Education and development of public legal awareness
               2  .  What do the activities in constitutional law and administrative state law concern?
                   a.  Implementation of court decisions and correctional of convicts
                   b.  Administration of justice up to the decision of a permanent judge
                   c.  Administration  relating  to  information  management  activities  and  dissemination  of
                       legal information
                   d.  Institutionalization, regulation, and decision-making aspects
               3  .  Which institutions need the support of experts in constitutional law?
                   a.  Parliamentary institutions throughout Indonesia
                   b.  Executive government administrative institutions
                   c.  Law enforcement agencies
                   d.  All the above
               4   What do all levels of government agencies need?
                   a.  State administrative court, advocates, and legal consultants
                   b.  Adequate and reliable quality expertise from constitutional law scholars
                   c.  Legal directorate, law firm, legal department, legal division, or legal section
                   d.  All the above
               5   Which institutions are included in the parliamentary institutions throughout Indonesia?
                   a.  Government  departments,  non-departmental  government  agencies,  councils,
                       commissions, and executive bodies.
                   b.  MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD
                   c.  Civil Servant Investigators, Police, Attorney General's Office, Advocates
                   d.  All the above
               6   Which institutions are included in the executive government administrative institutions?
                   a.  Government  departments,  non-departmental  government  agencies,  councils,
                       commissions, and executive bodies
                   b.  Civil Servant Investigators, Police, Attorney General's Office, Advocates
                   c.  MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD
                   d.  All of the above

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