P. 85
d. Administrative Law is a branch of Law that regulates the operations and procedures of
administrative agencies, which are governmental bodies created to carry out specific
functions and tasks
7 Part A: What is the relationship between Administrative Law and Constitutional Law?
a. Administrative and constitutional laws are mutually exclusive.
b. Administrative law is derived from constitutional law because both are public laws that
cannot be separated
c. Constitutional law is a sub-branch of administrative law
d. Administrative law is superior to constitutional law
Part B: Which sentence from the text best supports your answer to Part A?
a. For the relationship between state administrative law and constitutional law, Keith
revealed that it is logically impossible to differentiate between administrative and
constitutional law, and any attempts are futile.
b. Administrative law and constitutional law are connected. Administrative law is derived
from constitutional law because both are public laws that cannot be separated.
c. Constitutional law deals with the fundamental concepts relating to these organizations and
their powers and the relationships between these organs and the people; administrative law
deals with the organizations, powers, functions, and obligations of administrative
d. While administrative law describes the various governmental organs in motion,
constitutional law describes them at rest.
8 Part A: What are the main areas of State Administrative Law according to Walt her
a. Governance Law, Financial Administration Law, Foreign Relations Law
b. Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law
c. Police Law, Institutional Law, Financial law and regulations
d. Government Law, Judicial Law, Police Law
Part B: Which sentence from the text best supports your answer to Part A?
a. According to Walt her Burckhardt (Switzerland), the main areas of State Administrative
Law are 1) Police Law. 2) Institutional Law, 3) Financial law and regulations regarding
state finances.
b. Kusumadi Pudjosewojo divides the main fields, which are the fields of State
Administrative Law are taken from the Provisional Constitution: 1) Governance Law, 2)
Financial Administration Law, 3) Foreign Relations L,aw 4) State Defense and Public
Security Law
c. According to Van Vallenhoven in his book entitled "Omtrek van het administratiefrecht,”
provides a scheme of administrative law within the entire legal framework as follows: a.
Constitutional Law/Staatsrecht includes: 1) Government/Bestuur 2) Judiciary/Rechtopraak
3 ) Police/Politie 4) Legislation/Regeling