P. 86

d.  Prajudi Atmosudirdjo said that the scope of State Administrative Law  is:  1) Law on the
                  foundations and general principles of Public Administration. 2) Law on the organisation of
                  the State Administration. 3) The law regarding the activities of the State Administration

               Writing Practice

               Exercise 5. Translate the text below into Indonesian.

                                      Administrative Law vs Other Forms of Law
                     Administrative Law is a branch of public Law that deals with the actions and operations
               of government administrative agencies. It encompasses the rules and regulations set forth by
               these agencies, as well as the legal procedures and remedies available to individuals affected
               by  their  actions.  Compared  to  other  forms  of  Law,  such  as  criminal  or  Civil  Law,
               Administrative Law has distinct characteristics and functions.

                     One key difference between Administrative Law and other forms of Law is its focus on
               the  relationship  between  the  government  and  its  citizens.  While  criminal  and  civil  laws
               primarily  deal  with  disputes  between  individuals  or  between  individuals  and  the  state,
               Administrative Law governs the actions and decisions made by government agencies. These
               agencies are granted the authority to create and enforce regulations that affect a wide range of
               areas, including healthcare, transportation, environmental protection, and taxation.

                     Another difference lies in the legal procedures involved. In criminal, the court system
               plays a central role  in  resolving  disputes  and  determining guilt  or liability  in  criminal and
               civil  cases;  Administrative  Law  involves  a  specialized  tribunal  or  administrative  agency
               responsible for adjudicating disputes and reviewing administrative decisions. This allows for
               a more efficient and specialized resolution of issues, as these tribunals have expertise in the
               specific area of Law they oversee.

                     Furthermore, Administrative Law provides unique remedies to individuals affected by
               government  agency  actions.  While  criminal  and  civil  laws  offer  remedies  such  as
               imprisonment  or  monetary  compensation,  Administrative  Law  focuses  on  administrative
               remedies,  such as reviewing and revising  agency  decisions  or issuing  directives to  correct
               errors or unfairness. These remedies ensure that government agencies act within their legal
               authority and adhere to fairness and due process principles.

                     In  conclusion,  Administrative  Law  stands  apart  from  other  forms  of  Law  due  to  its
               focus on the actions of government administrative agencies, its specialized legal procedures,
               and unique remedies. Understanding the differences between Administrative Law and other
               forms of Law is crucial for law students, as it provides a foundation for comprehending the
               complexities and nuances of this important branch of public Law.

               Grammar Practice

               Simple Past tense

               The formula used for these tenses is:

               Affirmative sentence

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