P. 14
Page 14 August, 2020
Register with RGD
The Registrar General's
D e p a r t m e n t i s t h e
constitutionally mandated
b o d y t o re g i s t e r n e w
businesses. If your business is
a n L L C , c o r p o r a t i o n ,
p a r t n e r s h i p , s o l e
proprietorship or nonprofit,
you'll need to register with the
registrar general's office closer
to where you conduct business
activities as well as with the
local district assembly.
known as user-owners. ways to register your business Typically, you're considered to
Typically, an elected board of name. Each way of registering be conducting business
directors and officers run the your name serves a different activities in a district when:
cooperative while regular purpose, and some may be · Your business has a
members have voting power legally required depending on physical presence in the
to control the direction of the your business structure and district
cooperative. Members can location.
· You often have in-
b e c o m e p a r t o f t h e · Entity name protects you person meetings with
cooperative by purchasing at state level clients in the district
shares, though the number of · Trademark protects you at · A significant portion of
shares they hold does not a federal level your company's revenue
affect the weight of their vote. · Doing Business As (DBA) comes from the district
doesn't give legal protection,
Choose your business name · Any of your employees
You can find the right business but might be legally required work in the district
name with creativity and · Domain name protects
market research. Once you've your business website “With a hint of good
picked your name, you should judgment, to fear
Each of these name registrations
protect it by registering it with nothing, not failure
are legally independent. Most
the right agencies. or suffering or even
small businesses try to use the
Register your business name death, indicates that
same name for each kind of
to protect it you value life the
registration, but you're not
You'll want to choose a most. You live to the
business name that reflects normally required to. extreme; you push
your brand identity and Register your business limits; you spend
doesn't clash with the types of Register your business to make it your time building
goods and services you offer. a distinct legal entity. How and legacies. Those do
Once you settle on a name where you need to register not die.”
depends on your business
you like, you need to protect ― Criss Jami, Venus
structure and business location.
it. There are four different in Arms