P. 12

Page 12                                                                            August, 2020

                          STARTING A BUSINESS? ........Read this .....

        Continued from pg 11
      3.     Fund your business

      It costs money to start a
      business.  Funding  your

      business is one of the first
      —  and  most  important  —

      financial  choices  most
      business  owners  make.
      How  you  choose  to  fund

      your business could affect
      how you structure and run

      your business.                       Fund your business yourself

                                           with self-funding                     Get  venture  capital  from
      Determine  how  much
                                           O t h e r w i s e   k n o w n   a s  investors
      funding you'll need
                                           bootstrapping,  self-funding  Investors  can  give  you
      Every  business  has
                                           lets  you  leverage  your  own  funding  to  start  your
      different  needs,  and  no
                                           financial  resources  to business  in  the  form  of
      financial  solution  is  one
                                           support your business. Self- v e n t u r e   c a p i t a l
      size fits all. Your personal
                                           funding  can  come  in  the  investments.  Venture
      financial  situation  and
                                           form  of  turning  to  family  capital is normally offered
      vision  for  your  business
                                           and  friends  for  capital,  i n   e x c h a n g e   f o r   a n
      will  shape  the  financial
                                           using your savings accounts. ownership share and active
      future of your business.
                                           With  self-funding,  you role in the company.
      Once you know how much
                                           retain complete control over  Venture  capital  differs
      startup  funding  you'll
                                           the  business  but  you  also  from  traditional  financing
      need,  it's  time  to  figure
                                           take on all the risk yourself.  in  a  number  of  important
      out how you'll get it.
                                           Be careful not to spend more  ways.  Venture  capital
      ·      Self-funding
                                           than you can afford, and be  typically:
      ·      Investors
                                           especially  careful  if  you  ·              Focuses  high-growth
      ·      Loans
                                           choose  to  use  tap  into               companies

                                           retirement  accounts  early.  ·              Invests  capital  in
                                           You  might  face  expensive              return for equity, rather
                                           fees or penalties, or damage             than  debt  (it's  not  a

                                           your ability to retire on time           loan)
                                           — so you should check with  ·                Takes higher risks in

                                           your  plan's  administrator              exchange  for  potential
                                           and  a  personal  financial              higher returns

                                           advisor first.                        ·      Has a longer
                                                                                                   Continue on pg 14
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