P. 7
August, 2020 Page 7
Multiple Streams of Income
for Your Business
Continued from pg 6
least bring 20,000 SMEs and such as documents, videos,
Start-ups into relatable and audio files. People love
space of growth, provide valuable content, and they will
pay for it.
funding for 5000 businesses
Starting this alternate stream
and SMEs and create of income can be cumbersome
500,000 direct and indirect in the beginning as you get the
jobs along the various value platform and materials
chains within the 4 years. together. However, once it is
set, you won't have to do much
Having multiple streams of every time you hold the class.
“I can honestly say that I income from your small
have never gone into any business can help boost your Write an eBook
business purely to make profits and cushion against Many businesses choose to
offer additional content than
money. If that is the sole losses during slow seasons. what's on their website to
motive then I believe you Here are several ways you may make extra money. When you
are better off not doing it. be able to add additional write an eBook, you can sell it
A business has to be income streams to your on your website, Amazon, or
involving, it has to be b u s i n e s s . other websites people browse
fun, and it has to You have your business, and it's for electronic reading
exercise your creative doing well. Something inside materials.
You make money off every
instincts.” you is pulling you to something eBook you sell. If you sell it on
else, though. It's not that you your site, you will receive
“This defines want to start a second business, 100% of the price. If you use
entrepreneur and you just want to do more with Amazon or another site, you
entrepreneurship - the the business you have now. will have to give them a cut of
entrepreneur always Multiple streams of income the price of the book. Usually,
will give you that something
searches for change, more you're seeking. Not only people find this to be worth it
responds to it, and will it be in the same industry as since sites selling eBooks have
a lot more traffic, so there's
exploits it as an you are already in, but it can more opportunity for them to
opportunity.” significantly increase your sell.
― Peter F. Drucker income. This is another option that
Teach an Online Class takes a lot of work in the
This is a great way to position beginning, but once it's done,
“When you work on yourself as an authority in your you don't have to do anything
something that only has industry. Hold classes that have else. Many people do this as
to do with the products and/or their main business, but it's
the capacity to make you doable as a side one that goes
services you sell. You can use a
5 dollars, it does not right along with your current
website such as Udemy to run
matter how much harder your class or advertise it on business. The benefit is that
you work – the most you your website and hold the class your eBook will likely interest
will make is 5 dollars.” via phone, email, or Skype. people who would be
idowu koyenikan You make money by charging interested in your services
people to take your class. You and/or products, which could
can offer learning materials Continue on pg 8