P. 2
Page 2 August, 2020
Continued from pg 1
trade exposure and exports, the investment
learning gained at events.
opportunities are endless.
The company participated The vision of the company
in trade shows, exhibited
is to promote beekeeping
at trade fairs and won a s a m o d e l y o u t h
international awards. E.g.:
e m p l o y m e n t a n d
· P a r t i c i p a n t i n entrepreneurial program
NASFT Fancy Food duplicated in all districts
Trade Show in June TICA African Fair in throughout the country.
2008 in New York, Yokohama, Japan in This involves selecting a
· Exhibitor in BioFach May/June 2013 number of unemployed
Organic Foods Show in · Exhibitor at the 7 youths in each of the
Nuremburg, Germany in ECOWAS Trade Fair, districts throughout the
February 2009. Accra – Ghana from 31 country.
· W i n n e r o f t h e October – 11 November
International Star 2013 These unemployed youth
Award for Quality · Invited to Ghana would be trained in
( I S A Q ) – G o l d E x p o r t P r o m o t i o n modern methods of
Category at the Geneva Authority (GEPA) Solo Beekeeping and given
Convention in October Exhibition in Abidjan, La startup tools at the end of
2009. Cote d'Ivoire from 17 – their training to start
· P a r t i c i p a n t i n 28 November 2013. honey production. The
beekeeping programme · Invited to GEPA honey produced by these
in Dimona, Israel in sponsored 84 Izmir entrepreneurs will be
June 2011 and ISRAEL International Trade Fair bought for cash by a
– FAGRO Investment in Izmir, Turkey in service provider, who will
Meeting in May / June September 2015. refine and package them
2013. Vision of ASCL. Ghana has a for sale, locally and
t h
· Invited to 38 wide range of agro-products export.
Winter Trade Show in
that are currently exported
San Francisco, USA in
i n t h e i r r a w s t a t e .
January 2013.
Opportunities therefore
· A participant in the
exist in the agro-food
2013 North American
processing sector for
Beekeeping Annual
farmers to add value to local
Convention in Hershey,
agricultural products. With
Philadelphia – USA in
the emphasis shifting from
January 2013.
raw exports to processed
· Exhibitor in the
Continue on pg 3