P. 3
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August, 2020
EDITORIAL educational institution to generating venture. Honey
provide the necessary support is a universal food and
from the government to the enjoyed by all societies
study reviewed how educational institutes to and cultures. It is a
entrepreneurshi p introduce programs, specialized
Aeducation impacts the for entrepreneurs; as such will delicious and highly
level of several skills of improve the quality of education nutritious food that is
entrepreneurs which are and will then create awareness valued everywhere in the
technical skills, business that are focused on showing the world as a sweet and tasty
management skills and personal importance entrepreneurship food. It is a useful source
entrepreneurial skills. Based education and skills. of carbohydrate that
on the general review of the
The effect of entrepreneurship contains trace elements
study, the following points
education on entrepreneurial
shall help in improving the and adds nutritional
skills, the discussion presented
entrepreneur market through diversity to poor diets.
in the study shows that
building solid grounds for Where beekeepers have
(technical skills, business
entrepreneur to excel and
management skills and personal good market access,
succeed in their businesses.
entrepreneurial skills) are b e e k e e p i n g e a s i l y
However, improving the affected by the level of generates an appreciable
entrepreneurial education entrepreneurship education.
plays a crucial and important level of profit for the
individuals, families and
role in providing the necessary CELEBRATING AN
skills for an entrepreneur to the community as a whole.
operate their daily business ENTREPRENEUR
Honey is a promising and
requirements, and how to face Continued from pg 2
obstacles and challenges that potential export product
will face them during their and a great foreign
entrepreneurial live. exchange earner for a
In addition, supporting developing country like
Ghana. With the rise in
standards in living and
To Advertise call health consciousness
055 6533307 w o r l d w i d e , h o n e y
020 8131656
URL: consumption is increasing
E-mail: and most industrialized
: countries import honey to
meet their demands. This
Mr. Kwesi Atta Hayford
THE TEAM Quality & Standards Director requirement can provide
Alpha Samuelson Co. Ltd
Publisher: In Conclusion, Beekeeping developing countries like
Dilton Consult is an alternative livelihood
Managing Editor: Ghana with the necessary
Ato Tandoh activity, ideal for all foreign exchange.
Graphic Designer g e n d e r a n d a g e s .
Ato Tandoh
Reporters/Marketing Executives: Beekeeping is an important There is no expense in
Maame Ama Tandoh buying bee stock known as
Yvonne N.L. Lamptey and sustainable income
Naomi Zuut Continue on pg 4