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Back Cover Story: GrowHealthy Undergoing Aggressive Expansion

        to Meet Market Demand

        Continued from Back Page             Brandon, Lake Worth, Orlando, Daytona   All of GrowHealthy’s patient care rep-  implement the strictest protocols in all
        ity space at its Lake Wales cultivation   Beach,  North  Miami,  Lakeland,  resentatives go through a six- to eight-  aspects of the cannabis cultivation and
        facility by adding approximately 285,000   Gainesville, Bonita Springs and Deerfield   week training program that provides   oil extraction process.”
        sq. ft. of outdoor greenhouse and indoor   Beach,” said Choksi, adding that by the   them with in-depth knowledge of the   GrowHealthy’s products are 100 per-
        grow room space.                     end of fourth quarter 2019, another two   products, the endocannabinoid system,   cent natural and are always pesticide-
          “Our outdoor facilities include hybrid   dispensaries are slated to open.   and the pharmacology involved in intro-  free, solvent-free, and contaminant-free.
        greenhouses that allow our plants to get   “We will have 17 dispensaries open by   ducing cannabis into a medical regimen.   Each product includes a QR code on the
        the full spectrum of sun from Mother   end of Q1 2020,” he added.          “Because cannabis is still a Schedule 1   label that can be scanned using a smart
        Nature, and our indoor grow houses,   GrowHealthy is not only expanding its   substance, a lot of physicians are not   phone for a list of ingredients and third-
        which are GAP (Good Agricultural     brick and mortar stores, but enlarging its   taught about its use and are seeking edu-  party testing results.
        Practices) and GMP (Good Manu -      delivery program as well, with the   cation,” said Choksi of the seminars and   “Independent, third-party lab tests
        facturing Practices) certified, provide a   prospect of adding an additional delivery   educational events they hold throughout   show that the allowable limit metrics we
        clean room environment where we can   vehicle at each new dispensary.    Florida for physicians and customers   use go far beyond Florida’s testing regu-
        control every facet of the plant’s growth,”   While it is important to have the right   alike. “It is incumbent upon us as a com-  lations,” said Choksi. “While most com-
        Choksi explained. “Right now, we’re   facilities in place, it is also essential to   pany to provide cannabis-centric knowl-  panies don’t offer this level of trans-
        working with about 140,000 sq. ft. of   have the right people.           edge.”                              parency, we believe that transparency
        space; when all is said and done, we will   “GrowHealthy has curated a team of   GrowHealthy also partners with   equates to trust, which is one of the pil-
        have almost 500,000 sq. ft. of cultivation   world-renowned experts across the spec-  research institutions as they create new   lars of our company.”
        space.”                              trum, which includes elevating Florida   formularies and continue to improve on
          GrowHealthy is also expanding its line   natives in this space,” said Choksi. “And   best practices.
        of dispensaries, which began with the   when we hire new employees, we want   “The safety and well-being of our      To learn more about GrowHealthy,
        opening of its flagship dispensary in   to arm them with knowledge so that   patients has always been, and continues     visit or
        West Palm Beach in December 2018.    they, too, can be looked upon as industry   to be, our highest priority,” Choksi           call 800-619-5288.
          “In 2019, we added dispensaries in   leaders.”                         explained. “We want to ensure that we

        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                           December 2019                          41
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