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Back Cover Story: One Plant: Cultivating Cannabis for Better Patient Outcomes

        Continued from page 47                Cobb explains that it has taken a slow   high quality flower-hand trimming.    outreach, and Dr. Matt Ferenc, its med-
        was also instrumental in the 2016 med-  and measured approach to its rollout in   “We’re not looking to be the biggest   ical director and one of the lead ER
        ical cannabis constitutional amendment   Florida as opposed to the competition.    cannabis company,” adds Cobb. “We   physicians at Broward General.
        process and statutory implementation   “We have focused on having the best   want to provide the best patient experi-  “We have a dedicated approach to not
        via the 2017 legislative session in   possible quality flower,” he says. “That   ence while offering patients the highest   only educating patients and providing
        Florida.                             leads to the best extracts which leads to   quality and most reliable product that   access to patients, but also educating
          “I had opportunities to participate in   the best products. While we’ve focused   they know has been crafted and made   physicians and having people such as
        the cannabis industry in other states, but   on our core ingredients, our competitors   with a lot of care from professionals who   Andrew and Matt, who speak that lan-
        I didn’t want to,” he says. “I wanted to   are running around trying to open as   have been in this industry for a long   guage, who can educate them on the
        make it happen here in Florida.”     many doors as they could. The only way   time.”                          benefits of cannabis,” Cobb says.
          Today, One Plant, is focused primarily   to succeed in this industry is focus on   Another distinct advantage the compa-  He adds that they have to spend a lot of
        on premium cannabis flower. Its primary   product quality which is what we have   ny has is its proprietary home delivery   time with physicians because there is no
        cultivation facility is in Ruskin, Florida,   done. We took the time to build this out,   model, a segment of the market that   clear dosing rules, testing, or clinical
        with a 33-acre one currently being built   upgrading our cultivation, and now   most of the larger competitors were not   research data to be able to understand
        in Indiantown, Florida. It’s expected to   opening dispensaries.”        focused on in any real way. It offers the   what strain or phenotype is good for
        be completed and cultivation will be ini-  One Plant’s first store opened in   patients privacy, convenience and greater   what condition. Since it’s been federally
        tiated by mid-January.               November. It launched its first premium   access to cannabis products without the   illegal, there’s not a large body of data.
          “It will feature a state-of-the-art 54,000   strain at the same time, MAC1, a strong   trouble of driving to a dispensary (espe-  “We have to work with physicians and
        square foot greenhouse as well as 64,000   Indica dominant hybrid with notes of   cially for those battling serious illnesses).   members of the community to let them
        square feet of an indoor grow, manufac-  sweet dough, cream, skunk and hashy   “We rolled out a full statewide home   know that cannabis is a safe plant-based
        turing facility which will include a   kush.                             delivery system, competing against com-  alternative for pain relief or to fight
        kitchen and lab,” Cobb says.          “The patient response has been     panies with 8 to 9 stores and we are still   inflammation or PTSD. It has a myriad of
          The company’s focus is simple—to   tremendous,” says Cobb. “Our mission   outselling them with our cannabis flower   potential uses and we have to work with
        provide the best possible quality product   statement is very simple—to introduce   that has a delivery band of one store. We   people to figure out how to best serve
        to its customers.                    cannabis into people’s lives and make   have proven that the Amazon effect also   them. If I can keep one person off of opi-
          “We assembled a cultivation team that we   their lives better for it.”    applies to cannabis.”             oids, it’s a win.”
        couldn’t be more proud of including Chris   The other key element of One Plant’s   Outreach has been a critical compo-
        Keller, who is a craft cultivator out of   current cultivation facility in Ruskin is   nent to its success and growth. Cobb    For more information,
        Denver, and Mike Nee, an acclaimed culti-  that it employs organic methods of culti-  credits its robust focus on outreach to   visit
        vator in the cannabis world,” says Cobb.    vation, including hand watering and for   Andrew Felix, the company’s director of

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         38                       December 2019                                                                                                                                       Cannabis News Florida
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