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Publisher’s Note
              A Special Thank                    Publisher’s Note
            You to the August
                                                             And Still Our Legislatures Equivocate …
            2019 Host of the

               South Florida                    In total, there have been at least 2,190 mass   Our Inaction Has Been Deafening
                                              shootings since Sandy Hook in December 2012,

                 Healthcare                   with at least 2,463 killed and 9,163 wounded.   Gun violence is a notoriously American problem – this cannot be
                                              The FBI defines a mass shooting as an incident
                                                                                            disputed (so please don’t try.) And once again, it’s happened right
           Networking Group                   in which 4 or more people, not including the   here in our South Florida community, forever affecting our relatives,
                                              suspect, are killed. And following all of these
                                                                                            friends and co-workers. And each time an American massacre
                                              events, our police, healthcare workers and com-
                                                                                            occurs, half-hearted declarations are debated about new bipartisan
                                              munities are left to pick-up the pieces. And in
                                                                                            bills, laws and regulations … ad nauseam. But then the gunshots
                                              many cases, they will endure severe PTSD for
                                                                                            fade, the visible wounds heal, the funerals end … and we all forget.
                                              years afterward as a result.
                                                                                             But I believe this time, thanks to a brilliant, articulate, still-trau-
                                                The following Publisher’s Note was written
                                                                                            matized group of Marjory Stoneman Douglas students, we are all
                   KENDALL                    after the Parkland massacre in March 2018     being held accountable. Much like my 60s generation who affected
                                              which hit so close to home here in South
                  REGIONAL                    Florida. And after the recent events in El Paso   the Vietnam era culture shift, these children are tired of being sacri-
                                                                                            fices to impotent politicians and 2nd amendment scare tactics. Does
                                              and Dayton, I felt it merited another reading by
             MEDICAL CENTER                   all of us. Let’s all honor and support the    it make sense to say a person is too young to buy a handgun, but an
                                              Parkland students who continue their journey to   AR15 is acceptable?  Not one student has even whispered that all
                                                                                            guns should be banned, but rather it’s time for sensible gun control
              For information about           eliminate needless gun deaths and future mass   and effective mental health screening with regard to guns in the
                                                             shootings. At the very least,
               our next meeting of                             let’s give their “Peace Plan   State of Florida and the United States.
                                                                                             As the students of MSD and #neveragain, asked so eloquently,
                     SFHNG,                                      for a Safer America” a      “How could it hurt
                    please email                                                             … to ban assault weapons?

                     charles@                                                                … to reinstitute regulations that make it more difficult for the
                                                                       Charles Felix        mentally ill to obtain guns?
                                                       … to save more children and adults like the 17 we lost in
                                                                                            Parkland, Florida?”
                                                                                             Look in the mirror and ask yourself, how could it hurt?

                                                    You can reach Charles Felix at

                                                                                                     C OLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEAL       TH SCIENCES

                                                                                                     25++ degr        ee pr     ograms

                                                                                                     andd specializations

                                                                                                     to p eparpr       e health car                   e

                                                                                                     praactitioners and leaders

                                                                                                     Q  Nurssing (BSN, MSN, DNP , PhD )
                                                                                                     Q  Ane thesiology (DNP)es
                                                                                                          d v
                                                                                                     Q  Cardio  ascular P erfusion (BS)
                                                                                                     Q  Biommedical Scienc es (MS)
                                                                                                     Q  Occupa tional T her ap y (MS, O TD )
                                                                                                     Q  Hea alth Servic es A dminis tr a tion (MS, MS/MPH)
                                                                                                     Q  Lab aor  t ory Scienc es (BS, MS)

                                                                                                     Q  Spo ort & Ex er cise Scienc es (BS, MS)
                                                                                                     Q  Ph ysician As sis tant (MCMSc )


         2                         September 2019                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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