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Cover Story: All County Health Care
Offers Innovative Home Treatment for COPD Patients
Continued from page 1 tor; little puffs of low-pressure air are tory medicinal teaching; oxygen therapy
cated to treating patients with COPD using delivered into the airway at 150 to 600 education; breathing exercise education;
South Florida's IPV (intrapulmonary percussive ventila- cycles a minute, which goes into a patient’s chest physio therapy; ventilator manage-
tor) therapy - the only home health agency lungs. As the air comes out, it transports ment education; tracheotomy care and
Monthly in the tri-county area that provides this mucus with it,” explained Salazar. training, and nebulizer equipment/med-
Healthcare Newspaper innovative service. “Because you are treating patients internal- ication education.
“All County has made a substantial ly instead of externally, it is better able to Patients with chronic heart problems are
PO Box 812708 commitment in resources and personnel dilate airways and mobilize secretions, able to utilize All County’s experienced
Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708 toward improving the quality of life for which is what makes it so effective. cardiac nurses, physical and occupational
Phone: (561) 368-6950 people suffering with chronic obstructive “It is no more uncomfortable than using therapists and home health aides to get the
pulmonary disease,” explained Chief a standard nebulizer treatment,” he added. specialized care, attention, medication and
Respiratory Therapist Ed Salazar of the “It is such a beneficial therapy; the out- education they need, and All County’s dia-
Website: disease that is the fourth-leading cause of comes are remarkable.” betic team provides education, monitoring All County’s specially trained pul- and treatment of patients with Type 1 or
death in the U.S. “While IPV therapy is not
a new technology - it’s based on principles monary nursing team has treated more Type II diabetes. Specially trained occupa-
CHARLES FELIX that have been in use for the past 30 years than 1,000 patients since 2013, and clini- tional therapists provide low-vision reha-
CAROL FELIX in intensive care units to treat sick lungs— cal data shows a less than 5 percent read- bilitation services in the home for patients
Publishers there is now a machine that allows techni- mission rate for a 12-month period with diagnosed with macular degeneration, dia-
cians to delivery this treatment safely and high acuity COPD patients. betic retinopathy, central vision loss, trau-
NANCY LAMMIE effectively to COPD patients in their own In addition to using IPV therapy to treat matic brain injury, glaucoma, Stargardt’s
Editor homes.” COPD, which can include lung diseases disease, macular holes, cataracts, stroke
IPV consists of a high-frequency percus- such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and more.
JUDY GRAMM refractory (non-reversible asthma), some
Editorial Manager & Webmaster sive device (HFPD) combined with a high- forms of bronchiectasis, and a wide range To learn more about all of the services that
efficiency nebulizer. The HFPD is deliv- of other respiratory problems, All County All County Health Care provides, call 1-888-
JMC GRAPHICS ered internally as patients breathe in the offers conventional treatments including 717-7170 or visit
Art/Production medicated aerosol. the vest airway clearance therapy; respira- “Imagine setting up a pneumatic escala-
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cover Story: Camillus Health Concern, Inc. Partners
Daniel Casciato
Barbara Fallon with Centric Consulting to Help Lead Them Into the Future
Vanessa Orr
Lois Thomson
Continued from page 1 is moving to, who our nal and external, including quality and
care professionals to serve recruitment competitors regulatory reporting. This resulted in the
the indigent population. are, and who are taking collection of over 24 artifacts such as
LOOK FOR OUR “It’s difficult for us to some of the patients we reports from HRSA, HUD, Miami-Dade
NEXT ISSUE recruit and retain good, serve. Because of their County Homeless Trust, and Project Dade
qualified and passionate expertise and knowledge, Cares. Internal documents reviewed
IN OCTOBER people because we are in they were able to deliver a included utilization statistics, quality
the shadows of large superb report.” reports, employee surveys, and tax
healthcare systems such Afram-Gyening says returns. The analysis of these artifacts was
FOR as the University of that they will work with led by Calvin Glidewell, Centric Miami’s
ADVERTISING Miami, Jackson Health Centric on other aspects Administrative Healthcare Practice Lead.
Centric also facilitated discussions with
OR EDITORIAL System, and Mt. Sinai,” of their operations to take a broad group of stakeholders including
the organization to anoth-
Call (561) 368-6950 “We’re all competing for er level. Camillus executive leaders, key depart-
the same professionals. It “Looking ahead, I mental leaders, front-line personnel, and
or e-mail
makes recruitment hard Kim Caruthers would like to see Camillus as members of their Community Advisory
for us.” the go-to entity for people Board and Board of Directors. These qual-
Another formidable challenge for who have no insurance or fallen on hard itative discussions were conducted by
Camillus is funding. Nearly 45 percent of times to receive high quality of care,” he Glidewell and Centric’s National
SUBSCRIPTIONS its funding source comes from the federal adds. Healthcare Practice Lead, Dr. Marcie
government. The remaining amount According to Kim Caruthers, a partner Stoshak-Chavez.
One Year $40 comes from the state and other sources. with Centric Miami, the goal of this initia- Centric consolidated its findings, identi-
“We are heavily reliant on the federal tive was to partner with Camillus to iden- fied recommendations, and prepared a
Two Years $60
government because most of the popula- tify and address some of its most pressing report, which was presented to the
Three Years $75 tion we serve have no money and no insur- concerns and help position them for suc- Camillus Health internal team and later to
ance,” says Afram-Gyening. “We have to cess in delivering care to those most in the Board of Directors. Centric also pro-
raise additional money to offset this.” need in the community. vided Camillus Health with a list of grant
To subscribe,
To help address these challenges and “We love working in healthcare,” she funding organizations that cater to the
call (561) 368-6950 develop a plan for its future, Camillus says. “There are many opportunities in needs of the homeless.
or subscribe online at turned to Centric Consulting – a digital, healthcare to make lives better for both Caruthers says they were honored to
business consulting and technology solu- patients and providers through technology have had this opportunity to assist and process innovation.” Camillus Health and learn more about
____________ tions firm that works with companies to
transform their business – for some assis- The collaboration between the two how Camillus Health serves Miami’s least
tance. organizations provided both an opportuni- fortunate residents.
All rights reserved. Reproduction This summer, Centric reviewed and ty to achieve some of their respective “We were impressed with the dedication
in whole or part without written goals. As a non-profit organization, of the employees of Camillus to the mis-
permission prohibited. Copyright © 2018. assessed Camillus’ current and future
strategic plan on a pro bono basis, present- Camillus relies on its community for sion of the organization,” she says. “They
ing its findings and recommendations in donated support and services. One of are very passionate about the community
July to both the Camillus Health executive Centric’s core values is to “Ignite Passion and the less fortunate. We found that very
team and its Board of Directors. for the Greater Good.” When Centric and refreshing and it was a pleasure to be
Don’t forget to include “We wanted to work with Centric Camillus Health were first introduced, it around that kind of a culture.”
because they have the industry knowledge became apparent that they could work
South Florida Hospital News of how to strategically move organizations together for mutual benefit.
& Healthcare Report forward with new, creative and innovative To compile the strategy review, the For more information, visit
in your Marketing Plans ideas,” says Afram-Gyening. “They helped Centric team conducted an environmental
analysis. Centric and Camillus conducted
us come up with a strategic plan for the
Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit future of Camillus – where the population an inventory of current metrics, both inter-
14 September 2018 South Florida Hospital News