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New CEO Discusses Major Transformations

                                      Taking Place at Jupiter Medical Center

                             BY VANESSA ORR                                                         SFHN: There are at least six new buildings in
                                                                                                    the planning stages at Jupiter.
              In January 2018, Don McKenna joined Jupiter Medical
            Center as its president and chief executive officer. He has                             How are these progressing?
            more than 25 years of experience in the health care industry,
            and most recently led St. Mary’s Health Care System based in                             McKenna: I am pleased to report that we have surpassed
            Athens, Georgia, where he improved the system’s financial                               the planning stages and all construction projects are under-
            performance, quality rankings and patient perception of                                 way. This creates some disruption for patients, team mem-
            care, and was named CEO of the Year by the Georgia                                      bers and visitors, but we believe putting these new, world-
            Alliance of Community Hospitals. He spoke with SFHN                                     class services in place as quickly as possible makes more
            about his new role at Jupiter Medical Center.                                           sense than doing them one by one over a period of years.
                                                                                                     Last year, we broke ground on the new 6,300 sq. ft.
                                                                                                    Mastroianni Family Pediatric Emergency Department,
            SFHN: What do you see as Jupiter Medical
                                                                                                    which is set to open in April 2019. The Pediatric
            Center’s biggest challenges?                                                            Emergency Department adjoining the hospital’s main ED
            Biggest advantages?                                                                     will offer our smallest patients top-quality pediatric care in
                                                                                                    a child-friendly environment. The Pediatric ED will contin-
              McKenna: We face many of the same challenges that most                                ue to be staffed by world-class physicians through our pedi-
            hospitals face today. One of the biggest is balancing the                               atric partner Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
            increasing costs of health care–for medication, supplies,                                We also began construction in late August on our new,
            labor, etc.–against the level of reimbursements we receive                              five-story Patient Tower that will become the new main
            from our biggest payors. Our challenge is to compensate for    Don McKenna              entrance to the hospital and include our Level 2 Neonatal
            that differential and continue providing the high level of care                         Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as well as medical/surgical
            and services that our patients expect. I’m happy to say that                            floors and a concierge floor. The tower is set to open at the
            we are achieving that goal.                                           end of 2019. We are also nearing the final stages of construction for our compre-
              Our greatest advantage is being a not-for-profit independent medical center.   hensive stroke center, open heart surgery suites and 18-bed James J. Felcyn and
            We are not part of a system. We say it all the time; health care, like politics, is   Louise Brien Felcyn Observation Unit, all of which will be opening between
            local and decisions should be made on the local level. The executives who lead   December 2018 and January 2019. Our new comprehensive stroke center will
            this organization and the trustees who sit on our board and provide governance   allow us to provide the most advanced stroke treatments, as well as treat other
            live and work in this community. They turn to Jupiter Medical Center to main-  complex neurological cases.
            tain their own health and have experienced its care and compassion first-hand.   Our Timothy and Jayne Donahue Cardiac Surgery program, which will include
            We are aware of local health care needs and because we are independent and not-  open heart surgery, responds to a longstanding need in our community to treat
            for-profit, we are able to affect change in the manner we think is best for our com-  complex cardiac cases and will enable us to provide a full range of the most
            munity without answering to a faraway board or to shareholders.       advanced cardiovascular procedures. And, finally, construction is underway for
                                                                                  the Anderson Family Cancer Institute which will include the most advanced
            SFHN: The Community Health Needs Assessment identified                technology and treatments for cancer. We expect it to be completed in early 2020.

            three priority health needs: cancer, heart disease and                SFHN: All of this growth requires funding. Is there a campaign
            nutrition/exercise/diabetes. What are Jupiter’s plans
                                                                                  in the works, or plans to expand fundraising opportunities?
            for expansion in these areas?
                                                                                   McKenna: In 2015, Jupiter Medical Center Foundation launched the $300
              McKenna: We are making a tremendous investment in cancer care. We are   million Vision. Innovation. Impact. campaign. Since the launch, the foundation
            committed to utilizing advanced technology, such as the CyberKnife M6 for tar-  has seen unprecedented philanthropy that would rival some major academic
            geted radiosurgery, the da Vinci robotic surgical system, and electron beam intra-  medical centers. It is because of the generous philanthropists who appreciate the
            operative radiation therapy, also known as e-IORT. We are also building a new,   value of having world-class medical care close to home that we are undergoing a
            state-of-the-art cancer center.                                       major transformation. We are creating a comprehensive system of personalized
              We are expanding cardiac services for the treatment of heart disease. We will   health care that combines cutting-edge academic medicine and research through
            begin offering open heart surgery and electrophysiology early next year, and to   a blend of partnerships, and a world-class patient experience, often lost in large
            accommodate those new services, we are building two new operating rooms and   systems, predicated on customer service, quality and safety.
            a new cardiac catheterization lab. As part of our community outreach, we are
            involved in heart health events and educational programs and we host the Jupiter   SFHN: How are you enhancing the patient experience?
            Heart Club, a popular cardiac support group.
              We have a very robust diabetes and nutritional education program that pro-  McKenna: Quality care and patient satisfaction have always been priorities for
            vides training for adults and children throughout the community. We also partner   Jupiter Medical Center. Our patient satisfaction scores are among the best in the
            with several community groups to address health and quality of life issues,   area and better than both the state and national averages. We consistently receive
            including nutrition; diabetes awareness, prevention and management, and exer-  the highest rankings in Palm Beach and Martin counties from the Center for
            cise. We’re especially proud of our affiliation with Healthier Jupiter, a community   Medicare and Medicaid Services, and that is not by accident. We have a Patient
            initiative funded by the Palm Healthcare Foundation that empowers residents to   and Family Advisory Council, which consists of key staff members, as well as for-
            improve their own health. Earlier this year Healthier Jupiter and our Cary   mer patients and auxiliary members, who help us improve our programs, policies
            Grossman Wellness Center partnered with the Town of Jupiter Recreation   and practice standards. We also recently established a new initiative that will be
            Department to create a free, nine-week “Couch to 5K” training program that   under the direction of Joanne Miller, our new vice president and chief nursing
            helped participants gradually increase their physical activity to walk/run in the   officer, which will focus on developing programs and services to further enhance
            Annual Turtle Trot at Ocean Cay Park.                                 the overall experience of patients and their families. It’s part of our cultural DNA
                                                                                  to put quality first in everything we do and ensure that we exceed our patients’

                                                      Coming Next Month...

                          Case Manager Profiles •Case Management Challenges and Achievements •National Breast Cancer Awareness Month-
                     Go Pink with SFHN&HR• Advances in Oncology Treatment •South Florida Oncology Innovators •Eldercare Trends in South Florida

                         For advertising information call Charles Felix at 561-368-6950 or email

         10                        September 2018                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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