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Publisher’s Note                                                           ...Charles Felix
                                                  Publisher’s Note

                                                 Not Quite “Shouting Fire in a Crowded

                                                          Theater” … But Pretty Close

                                                Our Saturday morning started relatively normally. Lox, eggs and onions (better known as LEO
                                              to us regulars) for me at our weekend hangout – Palm Beach Bagel in Boca. When in doubt on
                                              Saturday and Sunday at 8:30, we’ll be there. And that’s usually where Carol and I chart out our
                                              day’s chores (in reality Carol does the charting while I think of ways to procrastinate.) Well this
                                              particular Saturday, with September fast approaching and hurricane season well underway, Carol
                                              decided it was high time we did something about fueling our mega-generator for whatever might
                                              come our way over the next few months. After last year’s tangle with Irma with no a/c, etc. for
                                              about a week, we’d learned our lesson.
                                                Enlisting Andrew on our way, our first stop was our local Target to load up on new 5 gallon
                                              gasoline containers … and I do mean load up! Our generator holds 16 gallons for a 10-hour run. And that’s a lot of fuel by any
                                              standards. So when the Target manager and other shoppers spotted 3 shopping carts loaded with gas containers, batteries and water,
                                              they did a real double take and panicked. The first question: “When is the storm coming?” Second question: “What category?” My
                                              first response: “What storm?” only confused the poor listeners more until we explained we only were hurricane prepping and there
                                              was absolutely nothing in the forecast unless you were somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands. I really think the manager was halfway
                                              to the inventory computer to start ordering more hurricane supplies … and if we’d been in Kmart, we’d probably have heard,
                                              “Attention, Kmart shoppers …”
                                                And then there was the gas station. We had attached our extended luggage rig to the back of Carol’s SUV, so we could transport
                                              all 14 containers each trip. As the station patrons watched us filling container after container, the panic grew. Amidst a lot of cell
                                              phone googling and gaping, a half dozen people stopped to ask about the coming storm, etc. Even the Wawa employee came outside
                                                              to see if we knew something he didn’t. But the ultimate was when the Broward County patrol car pulled up
                                                                 next to us also to inquire about the coming storm. Once again, I quickly pleaded innocent to causing a gaso-
                                                                  line panic and let everyone know I’d be making two more gasoline fill-up trips, until we’d achieved our
                                                                   goal of enough fuel to see us through 3 days of power, if and when we needed it.
                                                                      People often argue that some speech is unprotected by making comparisons to shouting fire in a
                                                                    crowded theater. And in fact according to Supreme Court Justice Holmes, “The most stringent protec-
                                                                    tion of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.” So
                                                                   even though it wasn’t my words that caused the panic that Saturday, my 14 innocent red gasoline contain-
                                                                    ers certainly did.

                                                                                              You can reach Charles Felix at

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         2                         September 2018                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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