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Back Cover Story: Irvin Rosenfeld 'Wouldn't
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                                             Be Alive' Without Medical Marijuana
                                                                                  Continued from Back Page
                                                                                   However, that changed when Rosenfeld   the federal government.  He wrote up his
                                                                                  went to college in Miami.  When he real-  own scientific project and had his doctor
                                                                                  ized he wasn't making any friends because   sign off on it.  He collaborated with Bob
                                                                                  he didn't smoke marijuana, he said, "It   Randall, the first person who was appre-
                                                                                  didn't seem to be harming them, so I gave   hended in D.C. for growing marijuana for
                                                                                  into peer pressure and I tried it."  At first   his glaucoma.  Randall went to court on a
                                                                                  nothing happened, good or bad, but he   medical necessity defense, and won, and
                                                                                  was accepted.  Then after using it several   got the government to supply him with his
                                                                                  times, he was playing chess one time, and   marijuana.
                                                                                  when he stood up after the game was over,   The FDA finally agreed to hold a hearing
                                                                                  "It dawned on me I had been sitting for 30   for Rosenfeld, after which he heard them
                                                                                  minutes.  For the past five years, I could   say that his presentation was very eloquent
                                                                                  only sit for 10 minutes then stand for 10   and very convincing, and he would
                                                                                  minutes, because I had to stretch the mus-  become the second person in the United
                                                                                  cles going over the tumors in my legs.  I   States to receive medical cannabis from the
                                                                                  realized I hadn't taken a pill in six hours.   federal government.  "I was stunned; it
                                                                                  Just then someone handed me a joint.  I   took me 10 years but I won, and a month-
                                                                                  looked at it and thought, 'This is the only   and-a-half later I got my first tin can (of
                                                                                  thing I've done differently.'"      marijuana)."
                                                                                   He conducted some experiments on his   His prescription calls for 10 joints a day,
                                                                                  own, recalling, "I would use it for three   and he hasn't had a tumor since age 20-
                                                                                  weeks and get miraculously better.  My   1/2.  He is now 65 and a stockbroker, and
                                                                                  intake of narcotics decreased by 50 percent   said he doesn't have any side effects.  Since
                                                                                  or 60 percent and the tumors had stopped   first receiving his supply, he has been on a
                                                                                  growing.  But I didn't want to believe that   mission to teach the world about the ben-
                                                                                  it was the illegal medicine, so I stopped   efits of medical cannabis.  "If I can make
                                                                                  using it, and I went downhill.  So I went   something good come out of something
                                                                                  back to the narcotics for a week, then went   bad (his bone disorder), then that's what
                                                                                  back on the marijuana.  I did that three   it's all about.  To this day I still educate.
                                                                                  times until I was convinced that it was the   I've helped millions of people worldwide
                                                                                  illegal drugs that were working best for   understand the medical benefits of
                                                                                  me."                                cannabis, and it makes me feel better."
                                                                                   The problem was that at this point
                                                                                  Rosenfeld had to buy the marijuana on his   For more information, call (954) 689-
                                                                                  own, but his friends were getting busted,   6874.  In addition, Irvin Rosenfeld has written
                                                                                  and he figured it was a matter of time     a book titled, “My Medicine – How I
                                                                                  before he was, too.  "But I wasn't a crimi-  Convinced the U.S. Government To Supply My
                                                                                  nal, I was a patient.  My doctor could give   Marijuana and Helped Launch a National
                                                                                  me morphine, but he couldn't give me    Movement," available on Kindle, and the
                                                                                  marijuana?  That didn't make sense to      trailer and signed copies available at
                                                                                  me."                            ; or visit
                                                                                   So at the age of 19, he decided to take on

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