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Mindful Medicinals – Sarasota’s Original CBD Company

         BY CAROL NEWMAN                                                         isolate,” explains Mindful Medicinals’   cally trained chef who, along with
                                                                                 Chief Executive Officer, Angela Mynatt.    Angela, spent his college years in profes-
          With the newest                                                          Mindful Medicinals prides itself on   sional high-volume kitchens. “We’ve had
        trend in natural medi-                                                   being one of the first CBD companies   some pretty amazing results with some
        cine taking root in                                                      testing in Florida at EvioLabs and openly   truly inspired meals.” They work closely
        Florida, Sarasota’s orig-                                                sharing their results on their website,   with their clients to curate the perfect
        inal CBD company,                                              , and in-store.   menu with the right amount of medicine.
        Mindful Medicinals, is                                                   In the fall of 2016, Angela first discov-  Infused catering is becoming popular in
        proudly offering pure,                                                   ered the benefits of CBD while looking   states with medical and recreational mar-
        top-quality CBD with                                                     for natural pain relief after suffering   ijuana laws and Florida is no different.
        3rd party lab tests to                                                   severe damage to her vertebrae. After   With CBD edibles (including gluten-
        prove   it.  Though                                                      some intense research and a trip out to   free options from Sarasota’s Glenn
        Mindful   Medicinals                                                     Colorado, she was able to find a source   Family Bakery), topicals, tinctures, vape
        has been offering CBD                                                    for pure CBD isolate. With the knowl-  options and new Nano Emulsified Drops,
        products locally and        Angela Mynatt           Patrick Loughrey     edge she gained in her quest for pure,   Mindful Medicinals has CBD modalities
        online since 2016,                                                       natural medicine, Angela went to work   for everyone. As Sarasota’s trusted source
        they’ve opened their first brick and mor-  Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, PTSD, epilepsy   bringing the power of CBD to the people   for pure CBD, these native Sarasotans are
        tar right in the heart of Sarasota, just off   and autism spectrum disorder. Patients   that needed it most.   on-site and online to answer any ques-
        Tamiami Trail.                       on pharmaceutical pain relievers are   A local yoga instructor for more than a   tions customers may have. “We don’t just
          CBD, or cannabidiol, is the chemical   finding CBD to be more effective with no   decade, Angela, along with Vice   sell CBD, we educate and help our cus-
        compound found in cannabis that acts as   side effects. Unfortunately, with all the   President  of  Operations,  Patrick  tomers feel safe and confident handling
        a strong anti-inflammatory, neuroprotec-  potential benefits of CBD, the market has   Loughrey have made sure to maintain   their own pain management and getting
        tant, antidepressant and natural pain   begun to get murky with so many   the quality and purity of their CBD. “We   their life back.”
        reliever. Unlike THC, another prominent   options for hemp-derived relief. Enter,   have one source, right here in the U.S.
        cannabinoid, CBD has no psychoactive   Sarasota’s Mindful Medicinals Integrated   that we’ve had since day one. We test   For more information about CBD or spe-
        side effects; no high. Doctors and   Health & Wellness.                  every batch, every time. Our average   cific products, contact Mindful Medicinals
        patients in the U.S. and far beyond have   “We noticed that too many of the   CBD isolate purity is above 98.8%.”              at (941) 374-4817 or
        turned to CBD and other cannabinoids   products on the market were just hemp   “One of my favorite things is our     online at
        to treat neurological disorders like   oil that contained CBD but not pure CBD   infused catering,” says Patrick, a classi-

         Back Cover Story: Canadian Biosciences Firm Purchases 3 Boys Farms

         Continued from back page.           provide high quality medicine to all   tribute medicine at the highest level of   as opposed to addictive opioids. We’re
                                             those patients. It’s something really we’re   quality assurance and quality control so   looking at ways of educating consumers
         Governor’s Environmental Leadership
         Award.                              excited about.”                      patients know they can get a consistent   as to the value and benefits of cannabis
           According to Cobb, Scythian—to be   3 Boys Farms is finalizing leases for   and reliable product that will help them   in the various delivery methods. Neither
         renamed Sol Global Investments Corp.—  locations in retail and medical corridors   address their symptoms or conditions.”   patients nor physicians in Florida are
         will enhance and build out 3 Boys Farms’   in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach,   Cobb stressed that this is not a typical   sure of what they can purchase, what is
         processing facility to complement their   North Miami Beach, Dania/Hollywood,   private equity play where they want to go   available and more importantly, what
         greenhouse facility.                Fort Myers, Port St. Lucie, Stuart and St.   in to buy a company and just pump out   delivery method gets them to the place
           “We’re going to take a pure health and   Petersburg, with additional locations   as many products as possible.    they want to be from a symptom control
         wellness  approach,”  says   Cobb.  slated for Orlando, Tampa and          “This is truly a bioscience company   standpoint.”
         “Scythian will be a true health and well-  Jacksonville.                 with a biosciences background that is   Cobb is passionate about cannabis
         ness company with a focus on medical   “We’re different in the sense that we   really looking for a way to enhance the   because he lost his father to cancer in 2010.
         cannabis and how our products can   have a very keen focus on developing the   lives of the patients in Florida,” he says.   “I saw what he went through firsthand
         enhance the issues and conditions that   highest level of medical products,” says   “We’re committed to research and com-  as I was with him most of the time
         Florida’s patients are feeling day to day.   Cobb. “We plan to build a bioscience   mitted to developing the best medicine   through the end,” he recalls. “Cannabis
         We love Florida and want to be able to   medically-based company that will dis-  possible. Additionally, our financial part-  was something that allowed him to have
                                                                                  ners are also leaders in the yoga/wellness   pain relief as well as to eat, and it offset
                                                                                  space with several yoga studios either   some of the conditions and some of the
                                                                                  operating or nearing completion in   stuff he was dealing with from
                                                                                  Florida. Most importantly, we are also in   chemotherapy and the pain.”
                                                                                  the process of acquiring (subject to clos-  As a lobbyist, Cobb has been engaged
                                                                                  ing conditions and regulatory approvals)   in the fight in Washington, D.C., to make
                                                                                  one of the largest and innovative primary   cannabis more available across the coun-
                                                                                  care/MSO medical clinics in the state of   try for years.
                                                                                  Florida, which is proof positive that we   “This is something that has been criti-
                                                                                  are more than a dispensary chain, we are   cally overlooked on the federal level,” he
                                                                                  a full health and wellness company.”   says. “Your opinion of cannabis will
                                                                                    One way that Cobb hopes the compa-  change when you see that it affects peo-
                                                                                  ny will make an impact on the cannabis   ple’s lives in a positive way without some
                                                                                  industry in the United States is through   of these bad effects of approved medical
                                                                                  its dispensary concept, which he     therapies. Even some of the more conser-
                                                                                  describes as a 360 health and wellness   vative policymakers and legislators are
                                                                                  concept. A huge focus of its dispensaries   starting to recognize the benefits of
                                                                                  will be on education.                cannabis for medical use."
                                                                                    “We want to encourage patients to
                                                                                  strive for wellness whether it’s through              For more information,
                                                                                  our products or education,” he says. For           visit
                                                                                  example, using our products to treat pain

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