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Broward Health North’s Memory Disorder Center
Provides Support and Access to Clinical Trials
According to the sion, and prevention Memory Disorder Center hosts monthly Broward Health North’s Neurological
Florida Department of studies for individu- support groups, an annual four-hour Institute, which was the first program in
Elder Affairs (DOEA), als who are at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative education- the nation to receive Joint Commission
there are an estimated the onset of clinical al program for respite providers, daycare certification for the Alzheimer’s disease
39,534 people with prob- symptoms of specialists, nurse aides and healthcare program. It was successfully re-certified
able Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease. professionals, and a Care Assistance in December 2017.
in Broward County. Since “The Memory Program (CAP) designed to educate fam- Early detection of Alzheimer’s is neces-
1986, the Memory Disorder Center at ily or friends about caring for a depend- sary for medical intervention that can
Disorder Center at Broward Health is a ent loved one. help prevent secondary complications,
Broward Health North wonderful resource “CAP speakers discuss the disease such as falls and injuries. The Memory
has been serving the res- for those suffering process, behavioral strategies, medica- Disorder Center provides free memory
idents of Broward from Alzheimer’s dis- tions, legal issues and resources available screenings to help with early diagnosis
County as the only mem- ease or other related for Alzheimer’s patients in the communi- and community education on early
ory disorder clinic in the Milena Cedeno-Oblinger dementias,” said ty,” said Milena Cedeno-Oblinger, RN, recognition of memory impairment
county designated by the Broward Health SCRN, Memory Disorder Center coordi- issues. Clinical trials are essential to
state’s Alzheimer’s President/ CEO nator. “We also provide transportation advancing Alzheimer’s disease research at
Disease Initiative, offering hope and care Beverly Capasso. “We provide quality and care for the Alzheimer’s patient while a time when Alzheimer’s disease is reach-
to patients experiencing memory loss, care to those suffering from Alzheimer’s, the caregiver attends the program.” ing epidemic proportions.
treating the patient as well as the caregiv- while offering resources for those who In 2018, the Memory Disorder Center “Without clinical trials, there can be
er. are caring for a loved one with the dis- concluded a successful three-year no better treatments, no prevention and
The Memory Disorder Center partici- ease.” Alzheimer’s Supportive Services pilot no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, said
pates in clinical trials which are designed When a patient is diagnosed with a program, which helped more than 100 Nora Uhrig, CNRN, BSN, Neurological
to provide patients with access to treat- memory disorder, every family member families who are dealing with Institute director. “Research can provide
ments that could help slow the progres- is affected. Many Alzheimer’s patients Alzheimer’s disease and Down Syndrome hope for those who are diagnosed.”
sion of the disease. The clinical trials require care 24 hours a day, more so in by providing access to information, edu-
seek to slow production of amyloid pro- the late stages of the disease. For care- cation, counseling, patient-centered care For more information or to schedule a
teins and TAU proteins, plaques and tan- givers, learning to cope with changes in and helped streamlined eligibility deter- free memory screening, call Milena Cedeno-
gles found in Alzheimer’s disease. The behavior and self-care techniques is para- mination for public programs and assis- Oblinger, RN, SCRN, and coordinator of the
Center also has behavioral studies for mount. tance. Memory Disorder Center,
individuals with agitation and or aggres- To provide support and education, the The Memory Disorder Center is part of at (954) 786-7392.
South Florida Hospital News September 2018 31