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Gresham, Smith and Partners – Bold Move Helped in Firm's Growth
BY LOIS THOMSON freestanding emergency GS&P in 2001, the firm had been located three years, and that allows us to grow
departments, which are in Broward County; but in 2015 he moved accordingly. Most of the clients we cur-
Luis J. Cano, Senior stand-alone buildings that the offices from Hollywood to Coral rently have, including some of the ones I
Vice President in charge of are considered to be an emer- Gables, and shifted the focus toward mentioned before, are new clients that we
the Miami office of gency department for the Miami Dade County. "Since then, most of did not have before I took over the offices.
Gresham, Smith and hospital, even though it is our clients are now Miami clients, and that Our new client make-up is very different
Partners (GS&P), recent- not in the same campus as strategic move really made a difference in from what we previously had."
ly discussed some of the the hospital. "We already our ability to gain more projects and gain Cano said that because of the technolo-
projects his company is have one under construc- more clients. By being in Coral Gables, we gy involved in health care, and the latest in
working on in the area. tion; two others that are were able to get a lot of projects from the medicine and medical care, "I don't think
Two of the major clients, going to start construction at Jackson Health System, Baptist Health the level of complexity is matched any-
for which they are doing any moment; and they're South Florida, the University of Miami’s where, in any other type of architecture. To
multiple projects, are Luis J. Cano planning to build a few more, UHealth System, and many other clients." me, working for health care facilities is
Jackson Health System so we're designing all of In addition to the move, some of extremely rewarding, because not a lot of
and Baptist Health South those. We also completed the GS&P's success can be attributed to the architects can do what we do. As opposed
Florida, both in Miami. drawings for a large project that they're types of clients Cano began to pursue. to designing a new store, an office build-
For Jackson, Cano said the projects are doing in Broward County. It's almost like a Previously, many of them had been smaller ing, or a new condominium tower, we're
part of Jackson's Miracle-Building Bond bed-less hospital – a facility that's going to customers that just required some renova- actually designing a facility that's going to
Program, which is bonds they received have all of the services, except beds." tions. "But I started seeking different directly affect the health of people – not
from Miami Dade County in order to Cano said GS&P's Miami office focuses clients that had larger projects and we just in the medical treatment they're
expand and fix up the existing facilities. 100 percent on acute health care projects started winning a lot of those larger proj- receiving, but also in the atmosphere we
"We're doing several projects there, prima- for hospitals or hospital systems. "In other ects, which gives us not just volume, but a create when we design that space, which
rily with Jackson North Medical Center, words, we do not do doctors' offices or lot more stability as well. When you have will let the patients and their families feel
expanding several of their departments, clinics or dentists' offices. We work within little jobs, you find out about them today, a little bit more at ease.
including the surgery department and the the hospital, or on outpatient buildings you start them in two or three weeks, and "The bottom line is, we love what we do.
emergency department. We're also work- that are typically associated with hospitals, you finish them in a few months. After Most of us here have been doing it for a
ing on an urgent care center for Jackson; which include ambulatory surgery centers, three or four months, you don't know long time, and we're very fortunate that
we already completed one for them and cancer treatment centers, urgent care cen- what's coming up, so it's hard to grow. But we're in a market and a profession to really
we're in the middle of doing the drawings ters, freestanding EDs, etc." when you win projects that last for two or help others."
for a second." A bold move – literally and figuratively three years, you have more stability
For Baptist, Cano said GS&P is also – is what helped to bring these projects in because you know dollars are going to be For more information, call (786) 532-2071
working on multiple projects, including the door. Cano said that when he joined coming in the door for the next two or or visit
South Florida Hospital News September 2018 29