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Broward Health Coral Springs Opening
New Tower in September
BY VANESSA ORR section rooms and support areas. An elevator will pro- ities, among others, and will officially open for service
vide a direct connection between the maternity suite on Sept. 6.
This September, Broward Health Coral Springs will be and the Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital advanced “This has been a major project, and we couldn’t have
opening a new, four-story, 112,000 sq. ft. patient tower level II neonatal intensive care unit, which will be locat- done it without our partnerships with the city of Coral
that will expand its surgical, women’s and children’s ed on the second floor along with 28 new, private post- Springs, the mayor, and EMS,” said Smith. “This is a
services. The expansion is the largest addition since the partum rooms. very exciting time for us.”
facility opened in 1987 and is designed to align hospital “The tower will allow us to offer everything in one The Coral Springs tower is not the only building proj-
services with the needs of a growing community. convenient location,” said Smith, noting that the new ect that Broward Health Medical Center has recently
“The cities of Coral Springs, Parkland and Coconut building is located adjacent to the main building. undertaken. Its Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital in
Creek in northwest Broward have all seen tremendous The third floor will hold the new medical/surgical Fort Lauderdale is currently undergoing a $52 million
growth, and we needed to have the ability to meet the wing with 28 patient rooms, and the fourth floor will be renovation that will include a new Level 2 neo-natal
demands of the community and its residents,” shelled out for future projects. “We are also adding care unit with 10 private rooms, and a dedicated chil-
explained CEO Jared Smith. “We are the go-to facility in innovative technology such as advanced robotics in our dren’s ER staffed by pediatric-trained physicians.
northwest Broward for emergency care services, surgi- operating rooms for urology, oncology and general sur- “The private rooms are designed to facilitate the heal-
cal care and women and children’s services, and we gery, and state-of-the-art imaging,” said Smith. “We are ing process in a very calming environment,” said Smith.
want to continue to provide the next level of care.” laying the groundwork for future expansion, and are “It will be perfect for our most fragile babies, some of
Broward Health Coral Springs serves approximately embarking on a plan to expand other services and pro- whom weigh only one kilogram at birth, or who are
20,000 children through its Emergency Department grams. born at only 28 weeks. They need to heal and grow, and
each year, and also treats children through its pediatric MGE Architects led the 16-month project. “We chose this environment is not only conducive to healing, but
hospital and Level 2 neonatal care unit. According to MGE because they are experts in the field with a wide- offers enhanced patient safety and reduced risk of infec-
Smith, the hospital offer obstetrics, a gamut of gynecol- ranging knowledge of healthcare,” said Smith. “They tion, as well as advanced equipment including respira-
ogical services including gynecologic oncology, uro- are located in South Florida, so they also understand tors and the Giraffe OmniBeds that most premature
gynecology and women’s care from a breast cancer per- our population and its needs; they have a lot of experi- babies require.”
spective, and GI and other subspecialties. ence in this type of environment.” According to Smith, both hospitals’ expansions will
“We provide the full continuum of care, taking care of A number of events are slated for the tower’s opening, benefit local patients. “Because we are in the same sys-
women for their entire lives,” he explained. including public tours and open houses. “We started tem, we can make sure that patients get the proper care
The new $65 million tower will increase bed capacity offering tours on Aug. 13, and have invited the public in the right setting, depending on their needs,” he said
from 200 to 250, and house the Mother/Baby program to come get a behind-the-scenes look at the new tech- of the facilities that are located 15 miles apart.
and medical and surgical patient rooms. The first floor nology and state-of-the-art equipment in the tower,”
will house the maternity suite with 12 labor and deliv- said Smith. The hospital will also be holding open To learn more about Broward Health’s expansion proj-
ery rooms, a dedicated triage and recovery area, and C- houses for local EMS providers and assisted living facil- ects, call (954) 344-3344 or visit
South Florida Hospital News September 2018 25