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                                                                                                                                    MEDICAL DIVISION
                                         The Vital Signs of Profitability

                                   for Your Healthcare Practice                                                          WhatWha t is Financial Plaanning is Financial Planning

                                                                                                                             to Coastal W   ealth?
                                                                                                                             Helping you achieve
          Every physician practice                        your accounts receivable   Using the data to take action
        has two distinct components:                      should be under 30 days,   Harnessing the power of data is critical     your goals
        clinical and business. Most                       but may be as high as 60   to maximizing opportunities. For exam-  with accoun   tability!
        providers spend the majority                      days. (You may wish to   ple, with the right data, you can make
        of their time focusing on the                     break this down by A/R   more informed decisions when negotiat-
        clinical side. However, the                       owed by patients and A/R   ing alternative payment arrangements and
        business side is just as impor-                   owed by insurance com-  vendor contracts; you will have the infor-
        tant if you want your practice                    panies.)                mation you need to properly manage
        to grow and thrive.                                 • Unpaid claims       staffing and cash flow; and you will be able
          By following these three                          • Low-paid claims     to identify the most profitable ways to
        steps, you can improve your                         • Denied claims – How   grow your practice.
        practice management:                              many claims are being    To get the most value from your data,
          1. Identify the vital signs or                  rejected                establish a disciplined process to collect,
        key performance indicators   BY KEVIN N. FINE       • Clean claim rate –  report, review, and act on the information,
        (KPIs) for your healthcare                        This measures the per-  and create a culture of accountability that
        practice. This is equivalent of                   centage of claims that are   holds physicians and staff accountable for
        knowing which primary indicators to   being sent out that have been scrubbed   behaviors that affect the KPIs that drive
        check when you see your patients (e.g.,   and cleaned; ideally this should be 95% or   profitability.
        body temperature, heart rate, blood pres-  greater                         To learn more about measuring the vital
        sure, etc.). There may be just a few top-  • Overhead expenses expressed as per-  signs of profitability for your practice, con-  (954) 625-1515
        level “vitals” for your business, but several   centages of revenues      tact an accounting and consulting firm   WWW . CASEYSJOHNSON   C .  OM
        more KPIs that you’ll want to include in   • Timely submission of charges   with healthcare industry expertise.
        your tracking.                         • Patient volume per provider
          2. Select or build the right reporting   • Ratio of claims collected to fees   Kevin N. Fine, MHA, is a healthcare                    i si
        tools to make it easy to monitor those crit-  incurred – Shows percentage of physician   advisory services director at Kaufman   d
                                                                                                                           ci al   p            gr           d
        ical signs. Just as you would encourage   time that is actually billed and collected   Rossin, one of the Top 100 CPA and advisory   r  a
        your patients to schedule periodic check-  • Operating and total margins        firms in the U.S. You can reach Kevin   n            o M
        ups to keep an eye on their health, you                                               at   r r r  f  esenntaaattaatn  a  t t t  ecu  a  dc
        should schedule regular reporting to mon-  Reporting                                                             rvivvi vici ice  d t M  u  .  S  e  o
        itor the health of your business.      Keeping watch on the vital signs of your
          3. Establish a disciplined process to   business and taking action when issues or
        review that data, share it with your physi-  opportunities arise can improve the prof-
        cian partners as appropriate, and imple-  itability of your practice. Reviewing KPIs
        ment any changes necessary. At the end of   regularly allows you to see fluctuations
        a checkup, you would make recommenda-  from month to month and over time.
        tions to help your patients reach their   When you start to identify trends and
        health goals, and you would hold them   exceptions in the data, you can understand
        accountable for taking action on your rec-  what is changing and why.
        ommendations (i.e., start exercising, take   Reporting and reviewing data requires
        medication). You should do the same for   time and commitment, but it doesn’t
        your business goals.                 have to be a painful process. Using tech-
                                             nology to gather and report information
        Key performance indicators           on a regular basis can make the process
          While there are endless metrics you can   easier.
        measure in your business, you should start   There are several different types of
        by deciding on a reasonable number of   reports that you may want to consider,
        specific measures that can have the most   including financial statements, manage-
        impact on profitability. If your practice has   ment reports, FLASH reports, real-time
        multiple locations or physicians, collect   dashboards, exception reports and email
        and measure this data at the lowest possi-  alerts.
        ble levels: per provider, office location or   At a minimum, you should review KPI
        specialty.                           data monthly. In addition, you may want
          The following are some of the key per-  to set up daily or weekly flash reports
        formance indicators you should consider   that show you a one-page snapshot of
        tracking at your practice.           top-line metrics in three categories: liq-
          • Number of patient encounters     uidity, productivity and profitability.
          • Number of procedures             Most electronic medical record (EMR)
          • Gross charges                    systems and practice management soft-
          • Receipts                         ware – if configured properly – will allow
          • Outstanding A/R – This is an impor-  you to generate reports and view these
        tant indicator of cash flow. The majority of   KPIs from your dashboard.

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                          September 2018                          21
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